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Terrain Disappearing

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Terrain Folks et al,


I am in a fix here. I have gone thru the KB to figure out what is causing this problem but can't seem to find an answer.


This terrain uses the standard SFP1 tiles. It is a 1000km area.


I am using SPF1, not patched up to the October '08 standard.


Can anyone offer some suggestions.


Many thanks



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You may have to open your FLIGHTENGINE Configuration Settings INI. and edit your [FarSceneClip].

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that looks more like missing tiles, than a view distance thingy (note the bulidings still on the ground where it's missing; the TOD's are working)


New map, I assume??? Check it the TE, and see what's not getting tiled



kevin stein

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Wrench and gumpy,


Thanks for your help. I am trying both suggestions to see what can be done to fix this problem.

When I used TE I got a complete map that did not appear to have any missing tiles. I will let you know how this progresses.


Thanks - KRFRGE

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