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Hi there,


still tweaking the AC-130A "Pave Prontos" to have them a bit more real.


Progress so far:


Used: Dels C-130 cockpit, cleaned it up a bit and got the dude over there in

Would have prefered a old one with lots of dials and less lights but it's the best looking and working C130 Pit right now.


You can have a fixed gunsight facing left:


- your view is turned left at start, to look forward use the mouse

- Padlock is spoiled


Been unsucessfull in geting a sidefacing Hud to work.


Still trying to tweak camera and gun angles to better match them.


And how the heck can I depress that damn gunsight?


Second small problem:


Getting the nose serial to show up on the correct spot. Should show right on that dashboard between those two dudes in the pit. Anyone knows if forward facing decal is possible?


And any skinners out there that can do a Cammo with black undersides and sides leaving cammo only topside?




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You could always do what the Dev A-Team did with their AC-130a and have a "fixed" gunsite out the left window so you would not have the problems you mention.

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Problem: Paskos AC-130A cockpit is far from being complete and will remain so. I formyself can edit ini files and such but lack the time to enter 3d modelling. First version used paskos cockpit but i'd like to improve upon bits that are available.


And Dels pit looks way nicer. ;)



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Iwould also prefer a standart forward view and a possibility to look left. I think you have to change the gunsight only?! not the whole pit or any 3D modelling ;-)

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Blackbird my problem is that the game engine doesn't seem to be fond of a sidefacing gunsight or HUD.


You can have a sidefacing ingame gunsight by turning the stock view left (or right) via cockpit.ini edit, but with the drawback that the stock F1/F2 views will be pointing at that direction too. I ran out of ideas how to achieve via ini edits a sidefacing "ingame" gunsight while keeping the stock forward facing view without affecting the views in general.


It would be possible to make a 3d Gunsight model and add that to the plane by various means such as system=pilot_cockpit.

This 3d Gunsight would then be visible from the cockpit view and the external views. It would be just a matter of position values to get it on the spot.


However as said before i lack the time and the knowledge to model one myself.



Edited by Tannethal

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