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Some things Ive noticed with the new patch...

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Maybe these things have already been talked about. If so, I missed 'em. I have SFP1 and now have it patched to the Oct2008 level.


-First thing I noticed in flight was the flight models are definately different, espesially low speed handling. The F-4 and F-100 are really not low speed dogfighters any more which I expect is how it should be. I havent actually stalled but the mushy feeling and sloppy handling is sure there.


-I also noticed that the desert map is looking pretty sharp. The sea, shoreline ,and city areas have been given a face lift looks like to me. Also like the static aircraft at the bases, Very nice...


-I like the aircraft names on the map now, nice touch. Plus all the added pilots pictures to choose from, cool.


-On the negative side...for some reason my F-4's, all varients, dont have Sparrows anymore. This could be because I messed up my install. I started with a vanilla install, added the patch, then Bunyaps weapons pack, then the MF weps pack 01/02/2008, then the WOI weps pack #1 dated Oct 20, 2008. Was that a mistake?


-Not sure I like the F6 view going to static aircraft now also in addition to flying aircraft, takes too long to cycle thru the aircraft.

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Bunyaps weapons pack, then the MF weps pack 01/02/2008, then the WOI weps pack #1 dated Oct 20, 2008. Was that a mistake?


Yea...bad things man, bad things! I would STRONGLY recommend doing a new, clean install, patch it up, BACK IT UP, then install the MF weapons pack ONLY.


You can use weapons from Bunyap's and the WOI pack, but I would recommend installing those in a 'dummy' install and pulling the weapons you want one at a time over to your SFP1 install.



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agree with FC...plus this way you get to choose what you want...unless you actually need those chemical bombs....

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agree with FC...plus this way you get to choose what you want...unless you actually need those chemical bombs....


Yup, for the past week I have been working on creating a custom weapons pack. Bunyap's is just filled with unnecessary "junk" such as the inert weapons, captive missiles, etc. Does one really need that? I seperated all the weapons in to approximately 20-25 separate INI's such as Air to Air, Air to Ground, Dumb Bombs, Guided Bombs etc, and those were further broken down to US, Soviet/Russian, and Foreign. And then I added the weapons from WOI, then stuff from Bunyap, then I added the weapons that have been released individually, then I added anything included with A/C that wasn't already in a weapons pack. It has taken me a long time but it works, and as new things are released it is easier for me to plug it in to the appropriate file, then merging my many INI's.


This also has the advantage of making the loadout screen a bit more manageable as weapons are always separated appropriately.

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Good on ya! That's the way to do it methinks! The nice thing is that though it's a lot of work, you should only have to do the major work once. After that, it's just incremental updates.



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Great replies fellas, thanks. I'll start work on this tonight. You know, just a thought...maybe we could upload the edited inis here. That would save the community a lot of work. Of course, it wouldnt be so "personalized"...but a thought. I like the idea of making different inis for different weapon groups and ditching the most common un-used weapons like the inerts and dummies. Not being a knowledgable person with weps though, I wont likely be able to break them down by nationality. It'll take research.

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I personally use a refinde weapspack from a friend he deleted all weapons like inert bombs and dummy sidewinders, replaced some with new ultra HD modells, UV 16/32 Rocketpod and some more, but all weapons are in also the one wich were released with some specific planes.


GMG is working on this, using also lindr2 weapons, cause of very good 3D modells.

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Guest pfunkmusik

I've also noticed the decals for addon aircraft look MUCH better than they used to with the Sept 08 patch. Lord, those were ugly.


And yeah, I've noticed the desert terrain got a definite punch-up. To the point that I like it better than the desert of WOI.



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At the time when we were testing Buny's pack, we had several mods going on that required the captive missiles and inerts etc. Thus why they got in there. I personally don't need them anymore but they are available for anyone who wants them. You guys have to remember when wpnssgt and buny were working that wep pack they were (and still are) USAF weapons loaders, so it was like a kid in a candy store. Both have 3D skills and a love for what they did, so even though I don't need a lot of what they put in there, I can't fault them for wanting it. It was there mod after all.

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You guys have to remember when wpnssgt and buny were working that wep pack they were (and still are) USAF weapons loaders, so it was like a kid in a candy store. Both have 3D skills and a love for what they did, so even though I don't need a lot of what they put in there, I can't fault them for wanting it. It was there mod after all.


I for one am very glad that all those extra weps are in there.


Sooner or later someone would have piped up, "hey, any chance of an inert such-and-such?"


I think all the weps packs are the unsung heroes of this series. Tons of work has gone into them yet you do take 'em for granted in a way.


So three cheers for wep pack makers everywhere. :ok:

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Guest pfunkmusik

Mine is a mix of the MF WP and Bun's. There's great stuff in both.



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