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Noteworthy Observation...

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I'm noticing a recent trend of "quality" -vs- "quantity" with mod releases.


Now don't get me wrong... I appreciate and welcome all new projects, it's just refreshing to see mod-makers taking the time to make complete project releases...


IMHO, we are reaching a turning point where our projects are approaching MSFS high-detail levels and to this old bird dog, it's a welcome sight.


Read nothing into this...


I'm just extending "kudos" to those who are bringing us these high quality projects.



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f***en A bubba....

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Damn straight!!!



kevin stein

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all projects takes longer and longer, but the quality raise with the time, look at the chineese boys. They startet with some low poly planes and now??? They are creating nice things.

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Dabbling as I do in FSX this is becoming very noticeable there. FS9 Had tonnes of add-ons, but the quality was quite variable, since FSX came out the number of add-ons hasn't really approached the same numbers but the quality of at least 90% of the freeware is at the level of FS9 payware.

Strangely I think it's different factors for the two sims, for the Third Wire family the base has been around long enough for a level of knowledge to build up so that the 3d model building is no longer the primary factor, i.e. a developer can easily find out how to get the right load outs, animate the VC etc. as well as make a kick ass external model.

For FSX it's enough of a clean slate from FS9 that no one has a monopoly on the knowledge, however the SDK now provides the developers with the level of information they need to go beyond having a nice model that flies like one of the default planes.

The common thread is that modders now have access to a knowledge base for either sim that allows them to go beyond making pretty 3D models that act a bit like planes.

The next couple of years may prove interesting, the next FS has been signposted as at best having 3D model compatibility meaning devs will need to learn a whole new SDK for systems etc. where as I don't see TK doing anything that extreme to his series even if he overhauls the terrain engine etc. We could see the Third Wire series having more quality releases than the next version of MS FS.

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Dabbling as I do in FSX this is becoming very noticeable there. FS9 Had tonnes of add-ons, but the quality was quite variable, since FSX came out the number of add-ons hasn't really approached the same numbers but the quality of at least 90% of the freeware is at the level of FS9 payware.

Strangely I think it's different factors for the two sims, for the Third Wire family the base has been around long enough for a level of knowledge to build up so that the 3d model building is no longer the primary factor, i.e. a developer can easily find out how to get the right load outs, animate the VC etc. as well as make a kick ass external model.

For FSX it's enough of a clean slate from FS9 that no one has a monopoly on the knowledge, however the SDK now provides the developers with the level of information they need to go beyond having a nice model that flies like one of the default planes.

The common thread is that modders now have access to a knowledge base for either sim that allows them to go beyond making pretty 3D models that act a bit like planes.

The next couple of years may prove interesting, the next FS has been signposted as at best having 3D model compatibility meaning devs will need to learn a whole new SDK for systems etc. where as I don't see TK doing anything that extreme to his series even if he overhauls the terrain engine etc. We could see the Third Wire series having more quality releases than the next version of MS FS.





Actually, if you look at Thirdwires recent releases, as well as patch releases... You'll see a fairly steady ramp of quality over the previous itterations. IMHO, I beleive TK pays close attention to what the community does with these games and guages what is an acceptable level of advancement / improvement to build into the next patch / project.


Quite literally we the community are his test-bed for potential growth and advancement...

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