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I remember reading a book, don't remember which one, that tells when the israelis first received the A-4E Skyhawk, at the time they were receiveing it, they just overpainted the national insignias over the Navy ones, and send them to missions; Yesterday, i was trying to recreate an early skyhawk using the U.S. Navy skin on one, but the most i could get, since i'm not a modder, is what you see, can somebody help me to move the insignia close to the airbrakes, and, if it's possible to repaint it to simulate the insignia overpaint, can you tell me how it is done, and how to make the insignias bigger?

Edited by FLOGGER23

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in the texture folde rof the planes you have a decal.ini where you have position values and scale for each decal, like your israel star. playaround with those values, remeber they are x and y axes = left right up and down

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They did the same thing with their first F-4E Phantoms. Some went straight into use wearing the SEA scheme and the US insignia painted over, with the Star of David quickly applied.



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From what I've read, this occured only during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, when F-4Es drawn from USAF units were rushed to Israel to replace combat losses and sent straight into battle wearing SEA camo until a convenient time when they could be repainted.


This was quite long in some cases, as long as 1989 in one case, and enough time for the operating squadrons to apply their own unique markings and for the IFR probe to be installed in the interim.


Under Operation Nickel Grass, F-4Es, some Vietnam combat veterans with MiG kills to their credit, were flown to Israel from the 4th TFW at Seymour Johnson AFB and the 401st TFW at Torrejon AB, Spain. Some USAF markings may have remained after the aplication of IAf markings, and there are reports of of a TISEO equiped F-4 in combat displaying the 'SJ' tail-code of the 4th TFW. Thirty four aircraft were delivered in this fashion, paid for by the purchase of new F-4s for the USAF, and were deployed with 69, 201 and 119 squadrons. Claims that USN F-4B and J models were supplied from the US Sixth Fleet are almost certainly false.


The SEA colours earned these jets the uncomplimentary nickname of Karpadah (Toad).


Unlike the Phantom, there is no evidence of IAF A-4s operating with US colours, even during the Yom Kippur War. However, there are reports that the undersurfaces were left gloss white, at least initially, when IAF camo was hastily applied prior to combat.


To send current and combat ready aircraft meant that some USN and USMC units gave up their aircraft. Some jets were delivered by flight, staging through Norfolk, refueling in flight and at the Azores, then aboard the UN Sixth Fleet carriers and Cyprus. But, 16 or more were delivered via crgo ships by sea and 43 total supplied after the war.

From Air War on the Edge - Bill Norton


Presumably the Israelis were more comfortable at the time with camo Skyhawks rather than risking losing grey birds to friendly fire?


An interesting parallel are the F-16s supplied after the 1991 Gulf War, that wore standard USAF grey colours for some time before being repainted in IAF camo.


Having said all of that, your skin looks really great Flogger23 and I for one am looking forward to it and will be pleased to add a link in the IAF list to your download.

Edited by allenjb42

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From what I've read, this occured only during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, when F-4Es drawn from USAF units were rushed to Israel to replace combat losses and sent straight into battle wearing SEA camo until a convenient time when they could be repainted.


This was quite long in some cases, as long as 1989 in one case, and enough time for the operating squadrons to apply their own unique markings and for the IFR probe to be installed in the interim.


Under Operation Nickel Grass, F-4Es, some Vietnam combat veterans with MiG kills to their credit, were flown to Israel from the 4th TFW at Seymour Johnson AFB and the 401st TFW at Torrejon AB, Spain. Some USAF markings may have remained after the aplication of IAf markings, and there are reports of of a TISEO equiped F-4 in combat displaying the 'SJ' tail-code of the 4th TFW. Thirty four aircraft were delivered in this fashion, paid for by the purchase of new F-4s for the USAF, and were deployed with 69, 201 and 119 squadrons. Claims that USN F-4B and J models were supplied from the US Sixth Fleet are almost certainly false.


The SEA colours earned these jets the uncomplimentary nickname of Karpadah (Toad).


Unlike the Phantom, there is no evidence of IAF A-4s operating with US colours, even during the Yom Kippur War. However, there are reports that the undersurfaces were left gloss white, at least initially, when IAF camo was hastily applied prior to combat.


To send current and combat ready aircraft meant that some USN and USMC units gave up their aircraft. Some jets were delivered by flight, staging through Norfolk, refueling in flight and at the Azores, then aboard the UN Sixth Fleet carriers and Cyprus. But, 16 or more were delivered via crgo ships by sea and 43 total supplied after the war.

From Air War on the Edge - Bill Norton


Presumably the Israelis were more comfortable at the time with camo Skyhawks rather than risking losing grey birds to friendly fire?


An interesting parallel are the F-16s supplied after the 1991 Gulf War, that wore standard USAF grey colours for some time before being repainted in IAF camo.


Having said all of that, your skin looks really great Flogger23 and I for one am looking forward to it and will be pleased to add a link in the IAF list to your download.



Hey thanks for all sir, that was an idea based in something i read around 10 years or less in a very old book, describing when the israelis received the A-4E and they were so anxious to use 'em that just overpainted the National insignias, load with bombs and send them on missions, but anyways thank you so much :notworthy:

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