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how to make invisible plane

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Ok ok everyone have some probs with invisible planes and they want them to show up but my request is reversed ... how tomake invisible planes? The search button don`t work for me sorry. Have tried it.

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lol... one has to wonder what you're up to :wink:


delete all .LOD entries in the planename.ini

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Well, you could map a totally clear tga file to the sections you want to 'disappear'.


And what you mean by 'check the frames'...frame rates?



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Mh maybe it`s a missunderstanding I just want to make a current MiG 19 "stock" plane invisible to put just my MiG-19 as a "pilot" over it to check the fps ingame. Can you please tell how make a stock mig19 as a invisible plane?

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Simple...have the basic aircraft ini file refer to a LOD that doesn't exist at all...just don't try to takeoff from the ground.



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The question is mis-stated, but the intent is obvious...


The question should be:


"How do I remove an aircraft from my game install, but not delete it, as I wish to add a different version to test the new LODs?"


easiest, simplest way would just be to rename the aircraft's folder so it and the main ini don't match. For example, we'll use the stock 3W MiG-19S


your folder would become:




that drop it down to the bottom of the folder list, but dosen't DELETE it. And removes it from the Game Engine's ™ sight.


a secondary way, would be to RENAME the folder and main ini to "MiG-19S_3W". Inside the main ini, you'd add a suffix to the "AircraftFullName=" to become:


AircraftFullName=MiG-19S Farmer-C (3W)


so in game, the drop down would display the "MiG-19S Farmer-C (3W) so you know it's the stock one (this is how I diferentiated the TMF Fishbed C from the stock 3rdWire Fishbed C (21F-13)


Also, in the "new" version, you can do the same, but say use "BB" as the suffix for "Blackbird"


Nothing to it really.

Oh, and it IS covered in the KB, just not in a place where you'd expect it to be. It's mentioned several times in the Bunyap Weapons Fixes Thread; again, to diferentiate between "stock" 3rdWire units and "Third Party" units (in particular, the various Floggers)



kevin stein

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