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Kennedy Assassination

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" Sloppy education was not their fault, which is another conspiracy theory seen running around about dumbing down the American pubic."


well, there is the old Soviet film about how they will take over the west by first taking over the schools......


but I for one never ascribe to conspiracy what can better be explained by incompetence. And any examination of the state of public education in America, controlled as it largely is by a politically active union that extorts dues from its members and spends lavishly on themselves and corrupt campaign contributions, can only conclude that a combination of massive incompetence and intellectual vacuousness is in charge of our public education system.


the end result is the inability of the graduates of that to be able to apply the critical thinking skills that Roopod identifies as the essential element in seeing through all of these things.


But conspiracy to dumb down Americans? no. That would require me to believe them far more competent and intelligent than I am willing to.

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Well its said the Soviets lost the Cold War, and the Communists won. :biggrin:

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Alot of education rules come down from the Politburo in Washington DC. The mass medication of school students is a fascinating development, and many otherwise caring parents go along with it because it relieves *their* stress at home in the short term, assuming both parents are working full time or more -- which is yet another theory running around....forcing both parents to work, it never ends. It reminds me of Suyev's account of Soviet medication of his mom, or the medication of Alan Turing who if there was one (1) man who single handed won WW2 for the "allies" he was it. Strange stuff all around.


The classical Opium Wars of Britain against China, and the CIA or Air America stories in the drug trade are good examples of how people in the street can easily lose trust or confidence in .gov, which only serves to make conspiracy theories become mainstream almost, at least some of them. Can't blame them a bit. The Chemtrail conspiracy is sad, because persistent contrails and a cirrus sky is a most beautiful thing, but I can't blame the chemtrail conspiracy "believers." But I can do my best at slipping long contrails and cirrus clouds into The Sims. thumbs.gif

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There is actually a systematic approach on how to "change" a society:


Yuri Bezmenov Explains Soviet Strategy for Subversion 1 of 9



This History Of Political Correctness Part 1 of 3.



This may answer somebodies questions.

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Meh I don't have sound on my computer. I have a stereo if I want to JAM. It helps me relax during the Dogfight. woof woof



Changing society, I'd guess that was well known before Karl Marx. As my understanding goes, Satan's only power over man is deception...well I guess temptation as well. Trick them into debt for consumables, individuals and nations. A nice pic I found, pretty kewl and...even uses the Siberian Sun mod... :grin:



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Alot of education rules come down from the Politburo in Washington DC. The mass medication of school students is a fascinating development, and many otherwise caring parents go along with it because it relieves *their* stress at home in the short term, assuming both parents are working full time or more -- which is yet another theory running around....forcing both parents to work, it never ends. It reminds me of Suyev's account of Soviet medication of his mom, or the medication of Alan Turing who if there was one (1) man who single handed won WW2 for the "allies" he was it. Strange stuff all around.


The classical Opium Wars of Britain against China, and the CIA or Air America stories in the drug trade are good examples of how people in the street can easily lose trust or confidence in .gov, which only serves to make conspiracy theories become mainstream almost, at least some of them. Can't blame them a bit. The Chemtrail conspiracy is sad, because persistent contrails and a cirrus sky is a most beautiful thing, but I can't blame the chemtrail conspiracy "believers." But I can do my best at slipping long contrails and cirrus clouds into The Sims. thumbs.gif

I spend some worthless time attempting to convince my spouse that things you cannot do anything about are useless things to worry about. Since she likes to worry (she says things she worries about never happen, so worrying must work), it is a never ending battle for an unachievable objective. Most of us lead complicated enough lives, so here is some things that I like to believe when dealing with my country and my government:


1) Most people in my government are just like me, ethical, pragmatic, patriotic, and working hard to sustain our country as it should be.

2) People in my government have differing views on the path forward, but are not on different teams.

3) Military people don't do politics and when they try they do it really badly.

4) Most politicos should not do military and when they try - FUBAR (hence the foundation of the phrase and the reason that going for the tie [Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, etc.] is fashionable).

5) We have an endless supply of military/politicos who just don't get 3 and 4.

6) When I was in the military, I really didn't care who my government pointed me at or why ( I, literally, trust them with my life), I just cared foremost that I was ready, willing and able to kick the living s**t out of whomever I was pointed at. I expect the same from my successors and they have lived up to those expectations in spades!!

7) The question, "Who benefits?" uncovers most mysteries, conspiracies, crimes, etc.

8) I, always, vote. That is as far as I go in contemplating things out of my grasp. Keeps my priority/to-do list managable.

9) There is nothing in the political world that will not eventually come out and politicos are all "TEMPs".

10) Every personal situation can be positively approached by reviewing what you're thankful for prior to getting to what's bothering you. (OK, wrong list for this one)


This list is not all-inclusive, but kinda leaves me with few opinions on conspiracy theories and the like. At the end of the day, conspiracy theories grind down to who is trying to sell the book or make the movie (7 above). Life should be very simple and the only thing that makes it not so is the idle time we all suffer running laps between our ears.


So much for Jug Philosophy 101 which is somewhat like a WAIMS clearance I once got from a Canadian traffic controller when my navigator was not having a good celestial navigation leg, "BUFF 101, cleared to wander aimlessly across northern Canada, maintain FL350".

Edited by Jug

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an outstanding list!




"7) The question, "Who benefits?" uncovers most mysteries, conspiracies, crimes, etc."


that is absolutely the fundamental truth and explains about 90% of political manuevering.



"a WAIMS clearance I once got from a Canadian traffic controller when my navigator was not having a good celestial navigation leg, "BUFF 101, cleared to wander aimlessly across northern Canada, maintain FL350"."




at Mach 3?



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Wasn't it a young Arlen Specter who came up with the Magic Bullet Theory?

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