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Ace Creation

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I noticed that SF burning sands campaign as a line called "AllowRandomAceCreation" for each side of the conflict. I was wondering if we can create specific aces! Let´s say i have a First Eagles campaign with a German Jasta 1 squadron. Is there a line i can add to create a specific ace? For Jasta 1 that would be Manfred von Richtofen..



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Its pretty easy to add aces to a campaign. You can also use the AllowRandomAceCreation=TRUE along with Known Aces and the game will generate new aces as time passes. For MvR this is the line i'm using in my Campaign, I did not give him his total kill tally because i wanted to leave some room for the kills he got during the campaign.


KnownAce[01].LastName=von Richthofen






KnownAce[01].Texture=VR <---Make sure that this matches the Texture you want the Ace to use!

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Thanks man that´s great news!!


Another thing:

Isn´t there a line or something that makes a specific ace fly much better than standard AI??

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I have not noticed any extra data like that, but when an ACE shows up on the Roster Screen all there skills are set at 100.


If i'm wrong i'm sure someone will correct me, but i don't think you can make one ace better than another in terms of skills. I looked because i wanted to make Lothar more aggressive than Manfred.


From what i've read, Manfred would avoid combat until getting into a superior position and Lothar would just dive into a fight and start shooting, This led Manfred to dub his brother "The Butcher".

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Does this work w a self created ace skin? Could I have one of my own skinned Dr.1's appear in a campaign? Or multiple Dr.1's for that matter (custom skinned Dr.1's)

Edited by quack74

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Yes, It should work fine with your skins. All you need to do is tell which Ace gets what texture. BTW Thanks Again for all those great skins! :good:


Also the Known Ace number is per squadron, not per nation. So Each Squadron can have KnownAce01,KnownAce02 ect.

Edited by WarlordATF

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It´s really a shame that we can´t alter the AI for a specific Ace!!! And you´re right about Manfred and Lothar the latter was much more agressive Manfred was a lot cold headed while Lothar was a hot head in combat!! Just like the allied Frank Luke!!


One thing would be cool for sure: if we could also define a specific aircraft for a specific ace!! Also it would be cool if in a campaign after we reach a certain rank we could request a personal aircraft for ourselves...


But these things would only be possible if TK altered the game engine to allow this, which wouldn´t be a bad idea at all since First Eales is a specific WWI Game.


Hey who knows??


By the way does anyone know if TK is planning more expansion packs for First Eagles??? There are still so many great classic WWI aircraft that´s missing from the game. I know that we can find some here but stock is stock man!!

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