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Midway terrain v1.1A

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Midway terrain v1.1A




THIS IS NO NEW VERSION with improvements over version 1.1.


It was neccessary to make this version, because Capun requested to remove his files from this mod.

So it is now neccessary that you download following files from Capuns homepage


yourself and unzip it into your Objects/Groundobject folder.


1. Akagi

2. Brooklyn

3. CV-5

4. Fla-MG (you need to download the Browning AAA gunner. From there you need the files BrowningAAA.LOD and BrowningAAA.bmp)

5. Liberty


(You will find, that i have left the subfolders of terrain version 1.1, but i have removed the LOD and BMP/TGA files. So you must unzip the downloaded files in the correct folder)


Michael (Gepard)

Germany August 2009




Midway terrain version 1.1 readme



Midway version 1.1 version was made as a response on community reactions who wanted more populated Midway islands. Thanks to Wrench and the others for help and ideas to make Midway terrain better.




The number of target areas was increased from 10 to 21.

+Kure Atoll airfield is now operational from 1943

+Trenches and AAA Machinegun sites are added on Midway.

+PTBoat base added

+2 Marine Camps

+1 Radiostation

+1 Radarstation

+US Flags added


For the case that you want to know, what if the japanese Landing operation would have been successfull i added

as easteregg the file Midway What if_targets.ini.

There the Midways and Kure atoll are in japanese hands. The japanese Navy is operating close to the islands and is waiting on the US counterstrike.

If you want to play this scenario, backup file midway_targets.ini

and rename file

Midway What if_targets.ini.




Hope you enjoy Midway v1.1






Midway terrain is made for "Strike Fighters Project 1" SFP1.


You can use it in Wings over Vietnam and Wings over Europe too.

Wings over Israel can handle this terrain too, but the flight modells of prop driven planes shows anomalies in WOI.





Midway terrain covers a part of the Central Pacific Ocean with the atolls of Kure and Midway.

It is the place were in 1942 a big Air-Sea-Battle was fought between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the US Navy. The japanese Navy was superior in numbers of ships, but the US side had some major advantages. No.1, the japanese communication code was broken, so that the US Navy commanders were able to read the enemy commands. No.2, the US had radar coverage, so that enemy surprise attacks were nearly impossible. No.3, the US had the superior number of airplanes which were deciding during the battle.

The battle was fought as a pure air to sea combat. No single gunfire exchange between naval vessels took place.

The result was that the japanese Navy lost 4 carriers and the US Navy lost 1 carrier. It was a impressive victory for the USA in Pacifice war theater. You can compare it with the Battle of Moscow on the Eastern Front or the first british victories in North Africa.



Midway Terrain following target areas

this are


Kure Atoll (Neutral airbase)

Eastern Island (Midway AB USMC)

Sand Island (Midway USMC)


ship formations


+Midway Occupation Force

+Midway Support Force

+Second Fleet Main Force ( 1 small carrier)

+First Fleet Main Force (1 small carrier)

+First Fleet Carrier Strike Force ( 4 carriers)



+TF-16 (2 carrier)

+TF-17 (1 carrier)



III Known problems


Up today it is impossible to take off and land from carriers while using single missions which are generated by random single mission screen.

Thatswhy i added invisible airfields for taking off and landing in the centre of carrier formations. You will also start from the sea. This is not satisfying. Thatswhy it is the best to start the mission in the air to overcome this problem.








1.)unzip all files into your Terrain folder


2.)unzip Groundobject.rar into your Objects folder.


Thats it.




V. Credits

At this place i want to say thank you to the guys who made the groundobjects and who gave me the permission to use them in Midway terrain.

A very big thank you to Hinch for the Zuiho carrier and the japanese Battleship which is a moded Repulse etc.

Thanks to TK for the great SFP1 sim family.

And finally thanks to all guys who helped me with hints, advices etc.






GROUNDOBJECTS ARE FORBITTEN TO SHARE. If you want to do this please contact the makers of this Groundobjects.


If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.





Hope you enjoy it.


Michael (Gepard)





Made in Germany

November 2008








Q: How i can get Midway Terrain running in WOV, WOI or WOE



1. Open file Midway.ini

2. Look for line CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat

3. Replace this line with:

for WOV: CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat

for WOI: CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat

for WOE: CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat


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Great work,


Thanks very much :biggrin::good:

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Doesn´t work.... when I put "Fly" It arrives at 80% and then crashes down

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read the "readme", make all as it is descriped and it will run.

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