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Do you think there is any use building on this?






However, the South Africans still felt it was in their interests to assist in any upgrading of the capabilities of the Rhodesian Air Force and so a group of us were attached to 2 Sqn at Waterkloof, to operate the Mirage III CZ


We were fully integrated into the Squadron, and were not a unique or distinct flight or anything like that. We had a group of pilots and engineers on detachment. We wore Rhodesian Uniform, but for practical purposes, came under the command and control of the SAAF.


The first two pilots to arrive were Rob Dayton and Ed Potterton (the latter being the first Rhodesian Air Force pilot to go solo in the Mirage III, followed on the following day by Rob.)


Not long after Keith Corrans arrived (OC detachment, held against the post of OC 1 Sqn) and a number of engineers led by John Pringle.


Meanwhile, at Fylde in Rhodesia the South Africans built a massive secret airfield, which was rarely used in anger, if ever. Hey ho.



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I think its a great way to add some higher performance jets into the mod


I don't have a clue as to Mirage aircraft, what is the difference between IIIC ans IIICZ?

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I don't have a clue as to Mirage aircraft, what is the difference between IIIC ans IIICZ?


Nothing really, at the outset. The "Z" suffix simply indicates it was built for SA. The only real differences were cosmetic, as far as I know at least.


Bloody lekker, that idea! I think I'm going to enjoy this project!


Meanwhile, this is about done. Serial numbers go from 450 to 466, randomised with the figure "2" for No. 2 Squadron. Replaced the Vampires, as agreed.

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Meanwhile, this is about done. Serial numbers go from 450 to 466, randomised with the figure "2" for No. 2 Squadron. Replaced the Vampires, as agreed.


Wow, that is some great work! That hanger screen is pretty mush I think that is a good template to use for all the a/c in the mod.


Roundel, Squadron, Service, and Squadron Motto.


That is just great. I appreciate your interest. :good:

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This project is really looking good!


The Gina is really nice.


Here's a Vampire, maybe it needs a bit more weathering.



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As to the SAAF Cheetahs from 1991 they where rebuild's of the South African Mirage IIICZ's with Israeli help as they where powered by the ATAR engine out of the F-1's that the SAAF purchased in the 1970's as there was a plan to put RD-33 (engine out of the Mig-29) engines into the F-1's. There was a test aircraft but no others where built as no-one was showing much interest.


As to some of the aircraft in the list's I think a Squadron of high performance jets to counter Mig-21's/23's might be a good idea but use something like the Nesher as the Israeli's around this time where switching over to Kfir. And as the Nesher was practically a Mirage III but with Israeli Avionic's and weapons they would be ideal and as they are for Air Superiority you could put them in metal or leave them in Israeli Camo but just change the insignia and make it look as though they have just been provided or being flown by contractors... ie ex Israeli pilots ??? Also could do the same with the SA'AR... as I dont think the Roadies would object to a slightly used war weary jet as they would be going cheap... especially as the Israeli's wouldn't mind on selling them to a potenially friendly ally...


But thats my 2pence worth...


Saying that though some of the repaints are looking especially good given that these aren't the finished articles as well. Also well done on an area where we never get to see any air combat...

Edited by PACMAN

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I don't have any fancy skins to show right now, but I did just do this:




I did the Proper (I think, would like confirmation) ranks, AND every name is an actual name of someone that served in the Rhodesian Air Force. I was going to just do pilots, but I added everyone as a tribute. I only left one name off, someone who has apparently been less than honorable since his service.


Nigel, if you want to send me those proper call signs I will do them up too.


Edit: I did the names up by putting the entire name under "Male First Names" and put a single space under "Last Names," turned out perfect.

Edited by Jeremiah Weed

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Looks good. The ranks are correct.


I've got a callsigns list which does away with these annoying "Cowboy" and "Buick" signs. If you've downloaded my SAAF Sabre, you'll have them.

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Looks good. The ranks are correct.


I've got a callsigns list which does away with these annoying "Cowboy" and "Buick" signs. If you've downloaded my SAAF Sabre, you'll have them.


:good: Got 'em now, nice.

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There was an Alouette III project, but unfortunately it's been cancelled. Maybe someone else will have a go?


As for the SF-260, I don't think anything is being worked on.


If you want to use my Angolan Mi-24 skin (or any of the other African ones) please feel free.


I've got skins for Capun's Mi-8 series for Angola and Mozambique that are very early WIP. I'll try and get them out in due course.


BTW, I've seen some posts about doing this for SF2. Wouldn't it make more sense to use WOI as the base program? it includes the Hunter, as well as the Israeli jets that you're contemplating using, and with the Dakota to be included in the Suez addon, you'll get another SAAF/Rhodesian bird in the hangar without having to get permission to use a third party version.

Edited by allenjb42

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Easy answer there - I don't have WOI. I do have SFG and SF2, and as SF2 is I expect the future standard (there are supposed to be obscure things about how FMs are modelled, etc, etc) then it seems the way to go for me at least. Spinners has brought out a first-rate flyable SF2 Hunter which I'm using (need to ask him, too, before releasing anything) and in any case, most of the aircraft we need, we'll have to ask permission from somebody somewhere.

Edited by ndicki

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Easy answer there - I don't have WOI. I do have SFG and SF2, and as SF2 is I expect the future standard (there are supposed to be obscure things about how FMs are modelled, etc, etc) then it seems the way to go for me at least. Spinners has brought out a first-rate flyable SF2 Hunter which I'm using (need to ask him, too, before releasing anything) and in any case, most of the aircraft we need, we'll have to ask permission from somebody somewhere.


I completely agree with this assessment. I want to make this available for SF2 and as many people as possible, while I do have WOI, as Nigel here has pointed out, not everyone does, and really all aircraft needed are available 3rd Party, so I don't want to pigeonhole it into WOI owners only.


I think I am going to go ahead and buy SF2 today and start figuring out the ins and outs of it.

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And I've started work on my own 100% new skin for the Hunter, in high-res, too. The current skins are 512x512, and it's a bit small. As it was originally intended for AI-only, fair enough, but I want to do a really nice one. Don't know if I will manage - graphics in SF are not quite the same as in CFS3. CFS3 is far, far sharper.

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Anyone know what the different Squadron's kit looked like?


The only color image I have seen is pretty much at 0:20 in this video:



Edit: Also if you watch past the 0:20 mark there are graphic images of war, so if you don't want to see that, I'm just letting you know.

Edited by Jeremiah Weed

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How do you mean? If you mean aircraft paint colours, it's standard BS381C Dark Earth and Dark Green - the same colours as used in WW2. Undersides were usually painted with dark earth, but could be sky, azure blue or aluminium. (No RAF or Commonwealth aircraft is every left natural metal, by the way.)


The RGB values I use are:


Dark Earth : 110, 93, 63

Dark Green : 68, 76, 56


If you wait a bit, I'll send you the Gina, complete with the photoshop templates, etc. By the way, I've got permission to use the Hawk cockpit, too.


And if you want photos of uniform, give me a while to dig mine out, and I'll get on with it.



Good video, even if I don't always like Clem Tholet. And that isn't one of his best, either! Smithy's son-in-law, though, so he must have been a decent enough guy.

Edited by ndicki

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How do you mean? If you mean aircraft paint colours, it's standard BS381C Dark Earth and Dark Green - the same colours as used in WW2. Undersides were usually painted with dark earth, but could be sky, azure blue or aluminium. (No RAF or Commonwealth aircraft is every left natural metal, by the way.)


The RGB values I use are:


Dark Earth : 110, 93, 63

Dark Green : 68, 76, 56


If you wait a bit, I'll send you the Gina, complete with the photoshop templates, etc. By the way, I've got permission to use the Hawk cockpit, too.


And if you want photos of uniform, give me a while to dig mine out, and I'll get on with it.



Good video, even if I don't always like Clem Tholet. And that isn't one of his best, either! Smithy's son-in-law, though, so he must have been a decent enough guy.


Ug I broke the server trying to post this a minute ago



I meant the "kit" for the pilots, ie: helmet colors and whatnot, I was going to knock out the pilots for each squadron.


I like the video more than the actual song, Clem Tholet is kind of boring to me, I like John Edmond a lot better than him, the Green Leader song is great, as for Clem I pretty much only like that Zambesi Zimbabwe song and I do like "Rhodesians Never Die"


Thanks for the color references though, and if you want to send me that Gina, I'll take it!


I should have the basic terrain finished by tomorrow and then i can send it to you to get a preview of it if you want.

Edited by Jeremiah Weed

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Ah, OK - that's why I didn't get what you meant! No, painted helmets are an American thing. The RhAF didn't do it. Helmets were just basic white, except for some Fireforce chopper crews, who daubed them with aircraft paint. Overalls were simply RAF-type olive green, with rank braid on the epaulettes, and wings - no name or anything - sewn directly on in the usual place on the left breast. Dead boring!


"Zimbabwe Ruins" is a goodie. That's John Edmond.


Have you heard this one about Bob? Killing.


Edit: If you PM me with your e-mail, I'll send the Gina.

Edited by ndicki

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Ah, OK - that's why I didn't get what you meant! No, painted helmets are an American thing. The RhAF didn't do it. Helmets were just basic white, except for some Fireforce chopper crews, who daubed them with aircraft paint. Overalls were simply RAF-type olive green, with rank braid on the epaulettes, and wings - no name or anything - sewn directly on in the usual place on the left breast. Dead boring!


"Zimbabwe Ruins" is a goodie. That's John Edmond.


Have you heard this one about Bob? Killing.


Edit: If you PM me with your e-mail, I'll send the Gina.


Zimbabwe ruins...your heart is dead and all that's left are bones...


PM sent

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On its way. Still a few bits to be polished, but it'll do for the time being.

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Two questions:


1-What terrain will you use for the campaign?


2-Will there be South African Mirage III as flyables?

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Two questions:


1-What terrain will you use for the campaign?


2-Will there be South African Mirage III as flyables?


1. I am building a new terrain that consists this basic area:







The focus will be on Internal Operations, but there will be target areas outside of Rhodesia for occasional external operations. Along with the dynamic campaign I plan on adding some scripted missions that will include strikes on targets in Zambia, Mozambique etc.


2. I am looking at adding some SAAF A/C and some scripted missions involving the SAAF doing joint operations with the Rhodesians. But for the campaign I think I am just going to stick to the RhAF.

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MMM Looks pretty cool!!


Excuse me please If I missed something, but which planes will be involved? I'm almost sure that Red side will have tons of Mig21 and Mig17, but what about the blue side?

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MMM Looks pretty cool!!


Excuse me please If I missed something, but which planes will be involved? I'm almost sure that Red side will have tons of Mig21 and Mig17, but what about the blue side?


Well, actually the "red side" will not have any aircraft, as they consist of terrorist guerrillas with Chinese or Soviet (depending on the faction) supplied weapons including a few shoulder fired SAMs (these were used to shoot down civilian airliners)


This mod is not about shooting down MiGs or penetrating heavily defended airspace to strike a target, it is about counter insurgency. Close Air Support, Armed Recon, Recon, and occasional strikes on terrorist encampments.


Aircraft so far will be:


Hunter FGA9

Gina FA1

Canberra B.2



Hope to include (not holding my Breath)




South African A/C will be included to fly on single missions, but not in the campaign.

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WOW! Coin ops? excellent! Is not the AC47 used by the South Africans? The Rhodesian Air Force used it? Is a perfect COIN plane

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