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Talk about a bummed day.... not anymore

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Well, not only did I find out (after driving 88 miles to my base this morning) that my 3 month TDY orders got cut after serving 1 and a quarter of a month, I also found out that my AGR (Active, Guard, Reserve) packet that got sent to REAMO got declined because apparently they received it after the vacancy had closed. So right now I'm sitting on my butt back at home, pissed, depressed, and searching for more job openings for AGR. If anybody here knows of a 3P051 job opening at their base or any base for that matter, let me know so I can contact REAMO and find out if I can apply there. So far I got Niagra Falls, NY that has the only job opening, but that will be one hell of a PCS for me from the west coast.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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You are not alone


I do know how it is for you military guys, but applying for stuff on the civilian side of the fed is equally frustrating, especially during "budget" season.


Over nighting documents, KSAs, etc. only hear that the announcement was canceled.


Faxing stuff and it gets lost

Faxing again and it does not get uploaded/filed

emailing it and hearing no reply for months


Driving out for exams, interviews, etc. only hear you are not "competitive."


Having your calls re directed, re routed, and sent back to the person you called only to get a nasty and tort reply "check X", "we are not looking for Y" or "we do not do Z", hmmm the irony is I was told to call XXX-XXX-XXX if I had a question and since X is so vague what am I do?


Lets not forget the "thin" letters. "I love you...but I am not in love with you, gross!"



Good stuff and at times makes you want to go punch out that squirrel you see in the park every..smug little bastid thinks he is so hot with his nutts.



In all seriousness, keep going, sometimes to get what you want and need you have to hammer that round peg into the square hole till it is jammed up in there good. And you are not in this job search and frustration alone.

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Well, possible good news. The Super Intendant for the AGR side of our unit just gave me a call today to let me know that another position opened up and told me to send my paper work in A.S.A.P. So I guess I can turn this frown upside down. :smile:

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Well, possible good news. The Super Intendant for the AGR side of our unit just gave me a call today to let me know that another position opened up and told me to send my paper work in A.S.A.P. So I guess I can turn this frown upside down. :smile:


Congrats and good look!


Meanwhile the job hunt for me continues, and right now I have a bigger problem on hands (literally, they are covered in car fluids and battery corrosion) a bad alternator. No fun checking under the hood when it is sleeting outside.

Edited by ironroad

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