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Needing help with some pit stuff

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I need some help with the Tu-22 Pit I want to use the A-4 panel but without the whole pit how can I delete it or move it?! can someone direct me, maybe Lexx can help me with this..

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The moves in the Bull AWAC do just that...remove EVERYTHING, and then move JUST the panel back up into view (this is for the B, non radar equiped Scooter pit). If you wanted to use the C/E pit with radar...don't know exactly, but I think they'd be pretty similar. Might need to open the C/E lod with a hex editor to double check the node names


Lexx's moves! What a great find, huh???













NodeName=instument panel








kevin stein

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Tu-22 Pit

You mean...Tu-22?


I could never use -22 stargetically because, for me, the external model vanishes when looking forward, taking out the canopy frames. Same with Thudwire F-8. The Tu-16 has the same "feature" BUT that model vanishes when looking aft which of course is not a problem.


I've come to find that for playing big bombers as "pilot" its best to use the on-screen radar box, instead of a dedicated radar built into a panel. Usually the guy in back had a radar, not the pilot. Another reason is that you get a wider choice of already modded cockpits to choose panels from, for example the B-26 pit without built-in panel radar. Use the game box radar instead. That's why I went with A-4B panel for B-29, it just looks more primitive with all the round guages and stuff.

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Ok thanx as you can see in the tu22 history topic I solved the pit view prob but have another one :-P I found this tu-22 panel pic




this could be done with the A-4 pit but I have no paint skills that could solve this prob. What do oyu say?! could it be done with a a-4 pit?!





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What problem? You can darken the A-4 panels, if that's what you mean.


As for Russianizing panels, Ordway would be the one for advice. The A-4 panel changes he made for Soviet and French guages are amazing stuff if you haven't seem them yet. In fact, czech out some of the MiG-15/17/19 panels he squeezed out of the A-4 and use them with some further Tu22-esque tweaks.

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the color changes are nothing...a simple 'flood' or paintbucke tool can do that. Just extract all the cockpit bits, put in the /Cockpit folder for you Blinder, and paint away.


Don't forget, too, that Lexx's system does NOT take into account the new First Eagles coding for OpenCockpit=TRUE.

You may still need to use the ShowFromCockpit=TRUE lines for the nose and fuselage meshes, but you'll need to experiment to test.


Lexx...patch up to 10/08, and see what I mean. Bet it might bring the canopy framing into view (no, sorry, I ain't had a chance to test this)


Silverbolt: we've decieded that the old MK2 pits, while nice in their time, have incorrect labeling -- why don't you take a look at the "This Thread is Bull" Thread, about the What If Tu-4 AWACs; 2 of our native Russian speaker had some 'things' to say about it.


Now, Ordway's stuff on the other hand... :good: Mods of those will be appearing -hopefully soon- as stand in Fishpot pits.



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10 minutes worth of work...




using the standard or garden variety Scooter B pit...which needs a few insturments moved out of sight and other repositioned as per the photo above. Still have to dial in the exact position, the pilot figure is NOT showing up (not like you can see him anway--half the windows are painted on!!)

Not sure if it should be centered to the windshield, or offset like this. Positioning is based off where the pilot sits in the data ini.

Needs some lighting upgrades, too. (the plane, not the cockpit!)


Avionics ini needs some adjusting; borrowed it from howling1's mod for some other Blinder variants. Don't think they had a 'AirSearch' radar, probably only Ground Mapping...we'll need our Resident Russian Experts to weigh in on that one.



kevin stein

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Looks good, have figured it out, for me it`s sometimes a try and error cause can`t translate all the stuff I find inside the data.ini so just tried it out, look here:



Lexx suggested the Su-7 panel and it looks and fits good, will try to improve the externel pit with the pilot mehtod hope it works. So we could have a"better" pit... we will see but thank you

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Rubin radar - 350 km range only GM mode -+45? deg azimuth.


PN radar - 500 km range only GM mode -+45? deg azimuth.

Edited by lindr2

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Thanks, I made a misstake it`s not Su-7 but su-15 panel, and thanks lindr, do you have some numbers for the chaffs and flares? how much were loaded? and strength of the ECM?!


And I loaded your weaponpacks but couldn`t find the AS-4 Kitchen for the blinder...

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Tu-22 use ONLY Kh-22 family, because Kh-22 family created specially for Tu-22K.

I said again Kh-22 Family ONLY, don't search WP for AS-4. I never use NATO designators.

Ecm strength is dialectic question, i hve some info about SPS family in russian, to diffult to translate it, and ECM simulation in Game is very primitived, when your ini work is done, plase send my INI files. I will check them, i try create realistic ECM on this stage. Chaffs placed on gears gondols. I have no info about numbers. Flares added only after 1979-1983.

About Tu22k PN radar - sorry azimuth -+30 deg MAX, but rubin-1A - 45 Deg. PN, Rubin-1 minimum altitude -> 1000 m.

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