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Step up the career ladder

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I sign in here almost every day and consider this forum as the nearest to a virtual chilling out spot, a place to come and see what's cooking and have a laugh, so hope I don't come across arrogant now but just wanted to share with you some good news that happened today. I received in (red) black and white, official confirmation that I have qualified to teach English, specifically to speakers of other languages. I also received a very nice reference letter from the course leader to use now I will be searching for a better job, one line made me laugh though.. "complete absence of complacency" :blink: I think they are referring to my attitude of continuous improvement e.g. If I have one drink, I can always have one more!

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Well done and congratulations !

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Pode me ensinar um Pouco de Ingles?


Cool, I can try, it would be better in a class though, I would suggest many places but they are all in Greece :dntknw:


E ensine-me a língua de mulheres Brasileiras! :biggrin:

Edited by Mab Glyndwr

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Sweet well done! May i wish you well in your new job, and dont let your students give you any stick! You should watch this clip, its from a show called balls of steel http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=esVcr8E4fTE

I think it might be funny if you did this one time in a class hahaha

Congrats again, scouserlad13

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congrats, good luck in finding a better job :)

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Thank you all for your kind words.

Scouserlad, that clip is hilarious! I almost died of laughter!! I hope my students don't see me that way, I tend to let inuendo creep into my lessons all too often!! One involving Bulgarian sausage in particular. Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried that with a corner shop guy in Fazakerley!!

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HAHA, glad you liked the clip, i saw it ages ago and i thought it would apply to your curent situation. Anyway, glad to hear about your new career, i hope you do well in it :)



PS yeah i can imagin what would happen if you did that to a cornershop guy in Fazakerly hahaha

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