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My take on SF:P1

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I've been reading alot of things on different forums and then I weighed them against my own experiences and this is what I came up with:

Strike Fighters is a good sim,right out of the box,not great but not bad.yes theres troubles but what sim doesn't have them?I've read comparisons and looked at people s complaints,and most of it is people not taking time to learn the systems,and the sim in general.This ain't rocket science,they want to install and have instant gratification..like any sim it don't work like that.Falcon 4,EAW,USAF,Janes F/A-18,just to name a few have had many years of the community and the developers working on them.I think the plus's far out weight the neg. things.OK want to whine and cry about the sim..fine,but instead why not help?do skins help find the bugs and post them...spend time at HL or gamespy and see what the MP is like.

Personally I like this sim,alot,and trust me I've seen some real dogs come down the pipe.The Aircraft are things of beauty,the terrain is being worked on and a patch is being developed as you look at this.So come on, quit being a whiner and jump on the wagon to make this a great sim.

TK from Thirdwire checks the forums..be nice and help them.I personally tip my hat to them for even tackling a sim from this era.Gotta love flying an F-4 in the Air to Air arena,or doing a strike from one.and go to Skunkworks and see what they're doing..great stuff!

Lets all help each other and have fun.

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Agreed Dagger, It's been my experience with new sim releases that you get a influx of negative posters and trolls. After a few months things settle down and the trolls get board or banned (LOL) and leave, we then are left with those that are serious about making the community better. I think some people assume because a certain sim doesn't contain the features they personally want then they get upset and start trolling. SFP1 does not have everything I would want in a sim, but it does have enough for me to really get into it and enjoy myself. I think the biggest thing that SF does for me is show right from the start it's longevity. I have a good feeling that we will be still playing around with SF 3 to 4 years from now. I really respect the people on this board so far because even those with complaints do it in a fashion that is not irritating to others and there seems to be a general respect for each other all the way around and that's great. Unlike SimHQ where Andy must lock thread after thread of trolls, we don't have that problem here and I hope it stays that way.

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I agree. Although in the full release, and back to the Walmart version, my initial reaction wasn't that great. I since then have settled into it and have gotten a new respect for what the sim really is, and what it really does well! The aircraft are just down right drop dead sexy. Major drool. I admit I jumped the gun on takeoff with SFP1, but it really is a great sim and a whole lot of fun. I was also quite impressed with the terrain when I bought it, even the wally version. NOE coop stikes through the mountains should be a blast. I cant stop landing the plane from flyby and tactical view. :shock: Its the coolest RC jet I never had.


:idea: So, someone mentioned something about a patch? :lol:


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