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I`m on a T-33 Mod cause this bird was created from the T-33 and used by the Navy, I will need some good skinner, I`m now on finishing the last parts and will map them. Soulfreak found a nice site with nice paintings and I hope that I can find someone who can help me with this.


Best regards



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Just for inspiration



hangar screen



hope you like this mod, only needs a little work on the tail and it`s ready for skinner!

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BB: did you get my link to the templates in the other thread??



kevin stein

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The layers should be labeled (IIRC), as to what part goes with which airplane (F-80, or F-94 or T-33)


I forgot to mention, the right and left wings are mapped the same, so I only included the one psd fro them. You just do a "save as" for each wing's name.



kevin stein

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IMPORTANT!! I redoing the tailpart, cause the existing one looks horible and doesn`t fit to this bird, so please, if you like to help skinning, wait until my parts are finished and mapped so you can take a look on the parts.

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You are making it a fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine job, Blackbird!

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