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large airfields in veitnam sea map

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How do I add large airfields to the Vietnam SEA map? So far I have just been setting my bombers to medium airfields, but I don't think I can do that with the new Neptune super heavy bomber.

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I'm assuming you're asking about the Red Side?

There ain't any.


And you want to add Runway4 (which is the 2 V-crossing runways, aka "Large Airfield")?


Historically, there aren't any, and there's not actual spot large enough to place them on the map.

However, it CAN be done by rebuilding the map in it's entirety.


1) Get the latest version of the terrain editor

2) Extract all the terraintiles from the VietnamSEA.cat

3) Convert all the sea tile/sea-to-land, sea-to-river tiles TGAs to bmps

4) Extract HFD, TFD, ***_targets.ini and ***_types inis from the VeitnamSEA.cat

5) move entire VietnamSEA terrain folder into the Terrain Editor.

6) copy/paste ALL the terrain tile bmps (Expecially the newly converted tga-to-bmps) into the MAIN /Terrain Editor folder (where the exe is)


7) go back to WoV, set the debug in the Huddata.ini to ShowDebug=TRUE

8) select a Mig to fly, start game

9) Using the top line in the debugged display, find a location for the placement of the 'new' Large Airbase -- I'd suggest replacing an existing one, that has a LOT of empty space around it.

10) write down those coordinates - just to be safe

11) Go back to the VnSEA in the TE, and open the targets ini.

12) Begin building a NEW VietnamSEA_cities.ini, as one dosen't exist stock. You'll need to scroll through the ENTIRE targets ini, listing the coordinates of every single one of the target areas in the format shown below (btw, there's 124 areas on the stock map):



Name=Rota <--name of each target area

TextureType=3 <--don't worry about this


PositionX=550000000<-- you just use the first 3 digits of the coordinates

PositionY=528.000000<--same here



HasAirfield=FALSE <-- designates a with/without airfield



Name=Orote Airfield







HasAirfield=TRUE <--like this one, HAS an airfield


--and so forth down down list


When using Runway 4, your width/height will probably want to be 6.00000, as seen in the Desert_targets.ini


13) Back to the game install....Once that's completed the new citis ini, you'll need the layout for Runway 4 -- there exists the USAF bases you can use. Leave their heading ALONE!! We'll just leave them with a 0/180 orientation, as that's easiest to work with.


Assuming you have your location picked out, and are reusing an existing airbase location, copy the ENTIRE listing from said base, from the "AirfieldDataIni=" line, to the end of THAT target area's listing; like so:



Name=Don Muang Airport






AirfieldDataFile=vietnamSEA_airfield4.ini<--- everything from here down










Leaving the EXISTING place name and location alone...the example I've shown below is JUST an example:



Name=Bac Mai Airfield


Radius=2828 <--- remember to change this to 6000!!!



Alignment=ENEMY <---new stuff starts below this line


SAVE and close the VietnamSEA_Targets.ini. Copy/paste this modified version INTO the VNSEA folder of the one you've got in the TE -- let if overwrite, don't worry about it.


14) If you want to check how it sits -and you REALLY DO need to do this; meaning if you're going to have to expand the exclusion zone around the airfield -and you probably will given the size of the airbase, you'll need to see how it looks as is, in-game. Select any single mission, and this may take some time, try to 'start' at the airfield in question. When you've got that, using the Free Camera view (F12) zoom out and see how the base interacts with the surrounding terrain -- if the runways FIT into the clear zone (called an exclusion zone) around the center point. If they don't -and it probably won't- you'll have to retile that area to expand it.


15) Retiling the Large Airbase zone. Back to the TE ... here's where it'll get interesting. The latest version comes with the WoVTexturelist.ini. This lists ALL the terrain tiles used on the map. Open the "VietnamSEA.HFD" , change View to 'Show Terrain Tiles'. You'll have to navigate around the map to try and find the location of you 'remodeled' airbase. Zoom In as far as possible -that'll be 3200x; you'll need to move the map around with the bottom and side sliders to repositon over the area, that takes a little practice, so keep fiddling. The lower right has a numerical display that shows you the offset (the coordinates on the map where your mouse pointer is)

You won't see any of the map objects, but hopefully you'll remember how much of the runways overlap into the jungle/paddy/grass, whatever is nearby.


16) Go to the "Texture List" tab at the top of the toolbar, and "Open Texture List". It should point to the main TE folder; you'll need to find that WoVTexturelist.ini. Once opened, you have to find the proper tile for you airbase exclusion zone. There are 2 such tiles


VietnamJ-AB1.bmp (read it as "Jungle-AirBase1")

VietnamG-AB1.bmp (read as "Grass-AirBase1)


You then select which to use in that long, center drop down window.


depending on which is the best, you'll use the "pencil" tool to replace the jungle or grass tiles around the exisiting cleared zone. You'll either be adding 2 or up to 6 new tiles, to surround you new Large Runway. You'll probably need to adjust the 'facing' of the tiles, so the clear area point towards the center. Hopefully, you won't have to fiddle with retiling -- that's why you go check it 'in-game' first.


17) Ok, you've got the tiles more or less set. Go to the "City List" tab at the top. When it drops down you'll see the "Open City List". Open the city list. This will tell the TE which target has an airfield. NOw, I'm not exactly sure if this next step is necessary, as the zone around the pre-existing airfield was already flattened. You may want to "SAVE ALL", move the new TFD and HFD files into your game, and see if the ends of the new Large Runway disappear, or sink into the terrain. If they do, you'll need to flatten the airfield zone.

Or, you can simply do it now.

17A) Click on the "EDIT" tab and the top, and look for "Level Airfield". If you see a progress bar open and close, even if it's reaaaally fast, that zone has been flattened for airfield use.


18) If all looks right, "SAVE ALL", and exit the TE


19) If you have the TFD and HFD still sitting in your game install's VietnamSEA terrain folder, you can delete them or rename them xTFD or xHFD. Copy/paste the NEW TFD and HFD from the Terrain Editor's VNSEA folder into your game's terrain folder.


20) Go BACK in-game and find that airfield. If all is well, you're done. If not...


21) Repeat process until it is.





kevin stein

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