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Here's what I've done so far... I downloaded the TA-4H, but is there any way to remove the hump?


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Well, I am not triplethr3at... :biggrin:


But, triplethr3at is not online now and I know something about "fake pilot" adding parts (I am part of team which made S-105/Mig-19S mod), so I can try help :yes:


Plane on your pic looks like OA-4M, becouse there is hump and new antennas (hump and antennas have OA-4M "skin" in pic).



Open OA-4M_data.ini scroll to [Fuselage]:






SystemName[007]=AvionicsHump <--------- delete

SystemName[008]=ANTENA1 < ------- delete

SystemName[009]=ECM < ------- renumber to 7 (continue in numbers order)

SystemName[010]=DecoyDispenser < renumber to 8 (continue in numbers order)



Than scroll to pilot section:



// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------






















Delete [AvionicsHump] and [ANTENA1] lines. Save changes, close. That's it :yes: This completely remove those parts from your aircraft in game and from its ini file too.


If you wand delete just hump, delete just hump according upper instructions.


If you want delete hump from triplethr3ats TA-4H II Super Skyhawk, procedure is basicaly same.


Greetings from Slovakia :hi::wink:

Edited by kukulino

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Some stuff I did last night. Not sure if you wanted decals or on the skin, so for now just on the skin. If you need decals then I'm not the man for this one..




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