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My Drawings

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Good stuff my friend.

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You might want to try the grid system. In other words, for practice, find a copy of a drawing, art work or photo that you like a lot, put a grid upon it and then reproduce said grid on the paper/canvas of your choice............... sizing the grid at your choosing. The old masters used the system, and it gives you some control and understanding of how things were drawn/painted.


Worked quite nicely when I was studying Art at O and A level. Maurice Quentin de la Tour's pastel of Louis XV never looked so good................ kind of.

Edited by Hinchinbrooke

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man, that's hard


Not that hard... no art school education required :biggrin:




You might want to try the grid system.

Yes, that really makes things easier. I could copy quite complex shapes via grid even as a little kid. :good:

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