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ermmmm I have to admit ive forgotten how to set these...

I know what they are for,just cannot recall how to set them correctly to a mesh..


Would a cube require 6?...as it has six sides you would "collide " with....if you charged it withe yer head...lol

a fuselage I assume would have point at nose...one at tail end...one for each side....and top and bottom...?

set to the nearest face you would technically hit first?..

I just need confirmation...or if im wrong...correction...lol



Edited by russouk2004

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Yes russo, it's correct. You need to imagine all the points that can for sure touch before others and you will have the right collision model of your object. For the cube example i think that 8 points (one for each corner) is more correct.

Edited by erikgen

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