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A question about EAW Terrain

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Is it possible to make EAW Terrain change seasons automatic just like Seasoned WoE. Or is it too much work?

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Is it possible to make EAW Terrain change seasons automatic just like Seasoned WoE. Or is it too much work?


You self-answered to yourself. Would require doing new themed terrain textures and objects, a bit much of work, really


But I never tested that one, don't know what tiles it's using

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The "modern" EAWEuro version, I'm assuming? The 4 season tiles already exist.

I have a multi-seasoned version that I'm trying to figure out MANY oddities and anomalies. On hold right now, whislt I do other things.


Do a search around here, I've posted some screenies of the quirks. (I was, however, able to add some forests from the WoE fields and farms upgrade)


Basically, my belief is the terrain will need complete, major overhaul from the ground up (excepting targets - which may need air defense upgrades), as the tiling/ HMs, sea effects and other things are a bit 'off'


CA, if you want to take a look, let me know and I'll zip it up and shoot you a link. There are some MAJOR issues with the sea/land interface.



kevin stein

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The "modern" EAWEuro version, I'm assuming? The 4 season tiles already exist.

I have a multi-seasoned version that I'm trying to figure out MANY oddities and anomalies. On hold right now, whislt I do other things.


Do a search around here, I've posted some screenies of the quirks. (I was, however, able to add some forests from the WoE fields and farms upgrade)


Basically, my belief is the terrain will need complete, major overhaul from the ground up (excepting targets - which may need air defense upgrades), as the tiling/ HMs, sea effects and other things are a bit 'off'


CA, if you want to take a look, let me know and I'll zip it up and shoot you a link. There are some MAJOR issues with the sea/land interface.



kevin stein


Didn't know it's available... Where is the "modern" version?


Send it to me Wrench, I can have a look, may require re-tiling and repositioning.

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It's here, the different season tile sets were included in the original. IIRC, it was done by Edward?

I personally think it's a slightly better map than the stock GermanyCE, for the simple reason it's sssoooo much larger, covering the UK (well, most of it).


Took me a while to find the screenies where I"d stored them on my site:




the water extends almost 1 1/2 tiles inland


here's some borrowed trees..




I'll try to have up zipped, and a link to you later today


thanks man!! :biggrin:



kevin stein

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