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Hi all,


Have a new CH Fighterstick and using Control manager it wants to load a map where is that located in the game so I can program it in. I am new at this? Thanks for the help!! :dntknw:

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I don't know that specific control manager, but I think you have to create the map yourself (or maybe someone here has already done one?)!

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Hi thanks for the response I was looking at 531 Ghost post about CH Control manager and it asked to load a map up front on the read so I thought there was a map already done but I will recheck. Thanks again for the help!

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It's easiest to just map the buttons within the games options menu, unless you've got something really special going on that would require the use of CH control manager program. From what I can see the only advantage is if you want to assign the same function to both the keyboard and the joystick.

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