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No. 1 Sqdn Hurricanes

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No. 1 Sqdn Hurricanes

These markings are intended for Capun's Hurricane I as installed in Baltika's Battle of Britain SFP1 campaign. Back up your original files if you wish, then add these files to the "1" folder. There are still a few texture mapping issues, but all-in-all it looks like a Hurricane to me.


I take little credit for the textures - they are mostly borrrowed from the best that I found on the Internet, I just adapted them to the model. Thanks go to "Stag", Gramps, Baltika, Wrench, and anyone else I forgot that deserves the real credit.


Legal bit:

Since these textures are hardly my original work, please don't use them for any commercial purposes - they are for free to increase the enjoyment of the Battle of Britain campaign. The .TGA decals are mine, so do what you want with them.


Historical bit:

No. 1 Squadron of the RAF equipped with Hurricane I aircraft in 1938. The original "NA" codes were replaced by "JX" in September 1939. After operations during the Battle of France, the unit was relocated back to Tangmere 23 June 1940 where it operated under 11 Group, entering combat during the Battle of Britain from August 1940.On 09 September the squadron was withdrawn to RAF Wittering under 12 Group to rest, recuperate and refit.


More units to come.


Mike D.


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This thing look sooo sweet!!! All the little details, puts my skins to shame!!


For fun, here's a new patch.bmp, that I was gonna use for the 1 Sqdn AASF skin... it's the attachment below.

It's the squadron crest, like I like to use for my skins when I can find them (RAF actualy being the easiest!)


Good stuff Mike!!



kevin stein

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