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Just tried to get the top camo to line up with the gun. Having issues as it's curving like that. Gonna tweak it later on though.


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And JAT81500 submitted a tentative LOADOUT.ini, which needed some tweaking. Shown are the Fighter Sweep, CAP, Intercept, and Strike. Unfortunately I removed some of the stuff he specified, so I'll PM it to the people on the team and perhaps they can show the other loads. You'll notice that so far I have three. Well WOI (which I use) specifies the same loadout for whatever role. Such as Recon is how he set it, for Fighter Sweep, etc. And JAT81500, yes I know the Strike loadout specifies a GBU-10, but I don't have that version so I'll stick with the -16 just for this purpose.




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Older paint scheme...but new feature:


"Hey, I need some gas!"




"I got something here for ya...."






"Let me just whip this out..."











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Gosh that sounds suggestive.

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Which begs the question on the TW engine anyways. Sure you can do it, since TK won't go past the 80's at least he can get the KA-6D and it's associated equipment since this is what the SH does now anyways. Nice FC :good:

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Which leads me to think... Can weapons carry lighting, you know like aircraft?

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Pylon detail


I had asked Vampyre to help FC out with the light locations since he works with the plane and it wouldn't hurt for a subject matter expert to be on hand as well :wink: Besides I figure I can work around the lighting, but if you still need me, I can get you the slimer locations textured quickly.


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LAU-118 detail, both initial and with some weathering applied. Also working on the Mav rails, and for best results (if you're in it for the looks) MF Mavs are choice :good: Also PM'd FC the slimers location. Not sure how it works with decals but I've been really lackadasical (shows how being on leave works for ye).





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Well, detached weapon lighting (ie seperate LOD files) I'd imagine can only have lighting in the same way slimers work on aircraft...a part of the LOD is set to be 'illuminated' in MAX and a TGA with the color is mapped to it. However, actual 'in sim engine using the ini' lights aren't possible for detached weapons.


Now, in the case of the buddy pod, which is part of the aircraft LOD, you can certainly assign lights to it. In fact, with the new MovingLight parameter, you can even assign it to moving parts (the basket). The problem is, I don't know if the light would still show up if that part of the LOD isn't available (say if you don't load the buddy pod, will the 'basket light' still show up)?


EricJ, I know where most of the formation lights are generally at on the model (including the wingtips). What I need from you is drawing the locations on your skin...actually, just paint the unilluminated slimers on the skin like they look when they are not lit up. Once that's done, I go back into MAX and actually 'cut' the slimers out of the mesh and reset them to be illuminated with a TGA file map. That way they match perfectly with the skin and you don't have to keep 'guessing' where to paint them.



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I PM'd you the file, where they're located on the map and on the 3D model. I used the template just specifically for the slimer locations. So if you need it again then I'll resend it though.... Note that the buddy pod does have three lights at the rear, I have to dig up the photo though.


LAU-117 detail:



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No worries man....I hadn't had a chance to look at the textures so I didn't know you had already outlined them.


Nice detail work!



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Thanks! I found a manufacturer's site and got a good shot of the whole assembly and obviously looks pretty good :good:

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Work on the AMRAAM and Sparrow rails.



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Thanks! I don't know how many polys it is but.... FC has optimized it pretty well (or AmokFloo's prior optimization) as it comes off very detailed, but not a framerate killer. Don't know he just did a smooth job on this man.


Here's a "Duh I just thought of it" issue with the speedbrakes not deploying in the air, change from TRUE to FALSE and imagine that....


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Slimers are now implemented on the aircraft.


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Uh I like those slimmer, nice colour!

can they be switch on ingame without the other lights?! I know the engine allows to have a 3 way switch.. off, onflashing and only on, can there be a 4 way? Like



3.slimmers and flash

4.slimmer and normal <--- maybe without this when ther are only 3 allowed.


Is it possible?! How does those slimmers work in RL?! with or without lights, I`m not sure

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Slimers are now implemented on the aircraft.


Whoops Eric...I realized some of the slimers weren't assigned the 'slimer' material. It's a bug that occasionally crops up in the exporter...fixed by simply closing and reopening MAX, then reexporting. Fixed now...I'll send the newer LODs later.


As far as the lights go, illuminated materials can be manipulated like any other mesh, which means you could theorectically activate the slimers by another method (animation, flight control, etc). However, using the light control is still just a 3 position activity...off, constant on, flash. You can change if something shines when the gear is down or not, flash or not, moveable or not. That's about it though.


It depends on the aircraft how slimers work. In some aircraft, they use a seperate switch.


Total polys are at 41k. Before anyone freaks out, realize that you will never see that many polys in game. A significant amount of these meshes are 'hidden' depending on what weapons are selected or not.


This is still a very detailed model nevertheless.



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45k is all around, I think all you can see on one pic are only 15k....


But nice to know slimmer could be used as animation ;-)

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I would stick with slimers as an animation. I've watched "Ice Hornets" about Swiss Hornets and most of the time the formation lights are on, but I'm sure real practice is to allow them to be switched on/off without the normal lights.


Some tank work. Been getting alot of references from elsewhere and seems to help alot. Be advised the texture map for the tank is 2048 x 2048!!


And roger that FC, as always great work! :good:



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While just finishing up a long and boring strike mission in Israel a thought came up to me. Is it possible to do the drop tanks like the buddy refuelling pod? The idea is that I'm sure the ATFLIR won't take up much room on the template.. and to solve the inevitable issue of one texture > model. Not sure if the game will support it but it would allow a multitude of skins per map right? So not sure if it's what I'm thinking but if you had one skin VFA-105 and VFA-14 both would be shown right? Also it would cut down on RAM usage ALOT since we're not using a large texture map also. Looking at the template you sent, it's possible to break down the tank like the pod and still have room for the ATFLIR easy. Sound workable? Because honestly 2048 x 2048 is a bit much for a fuel tank. Not much detail is needed for it and it's good enough as it is IMHO and quite honestly fit alot of detail in a small area.


Spoiler/airbrake animations. I finally as said earlier figured out how the tail brakes (the Super Hornet doesn't obviously use the massive dorsal one from the Legacy's) work. Once you activate the spoilers, and when you get below (at this case, not sure of actual speed) 45 knots the tail brakes automatically deploy. It combined with the weight, you slow down quick. Touchdown was just at the edge of the runway and this is where I finally stopped, also with the wheel brakes.


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