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Change wing & stabilizer position

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Hey guys ! Somebody thinking about what if we change a MiG-29 or MiG-21 wing & stabilizer position ?!


If anybody able to do , PLEASE DO IT ! , and post to us.



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Unfortunately, .ini edits won't be able to move parts like that. One would need access to the .max file or something to change the model.

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i too would like to see some more FSW aircraft or differnt ideas on arodynamics


Would be cool ! , and if don't has wingtip stations maybe would better a rotating wing ...



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Unfortunately, .ini edits won't be able to move parts like that. One would need access to the .max file or something to change the model.



What do you think anybody will send his own 3D model to me ?


otherhand I have an old F-5 3D file , and I was playing to modding this (like two tail, pull the wing...),but not completted



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i have a super hornet 3ds and have started moddeding it but i wanted a f18a hornet like that

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