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EXTRA! EXTRA! Latest patch news!

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Hi fellas, was on the SimHQ forum and read an update TK put on the forum concerning the patch he is working on. There have been quite a few grumblings so he finally answered them with some good comments, read on...



I do understand your frustration, I’m anxious to get this out as soon as I can myself! But unfortunately, these things just don’t happen instantly. We put together a build (takes a day), put it on out FTP, let beta testers download it (takes a couple days), they run it through its paces (another couple days), they report back to us about the problems, and we make decision on how to act on those reports. If we decide to fix them, that’s another couple of days of fixing, and the process repeats. And weeks can go by in a hurry doing this.


FYI, AAA and SAM aren’t the only thing being fixed for the patch - they aren’t even the main concerns. The primary issues we’re trying to address are the CTD’s and other showstopper bugs. The patch will have other quick fixes (such as AAA and SAM) thrown in, but they’re not what’s holding the patch back.


Two things that we are waiting to resolve:


One is connectivity issue in multiplayer, which was introduced in one of the patch builds (I don’t think it was in the retail build - it’s always three steps forward and two steps back ). At SFI QA, they are unable to stay connected in multiplayer for more than a couple of minutes. We felt this was important enough that we should hold the release and look into it.


And we are also waiting for reports from our localization builds, we want to make sure the version they get is compatible with English build, so we’re making sure any changes we have to make there also make into the patch.


*IF* the build we currently have in testing passes the muster, and *IF* there are no major changes requested from localization people, then we should have the patch released early next week. If not, it’ll be another build and probably another week. Sorry I wish I could make it go faster, but it just takes time.


Razorback, LOL!




Thanks for your support, but I think you might be barking up the wrong tree... This project was independently funded, so at this point, the only thing SFI is providing is QA support, and not $$$ support.


In any event, since $$$ and time go hand in hand, if you’re asking for more $$$, that means you’re asking fore more time (ie, delay the patch), is that what you’re asking for?


guderian ente,


And yes, subsequent patches will most likely add new features as well




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Hey! This is great news!

I am very happy that TK and his folks are getting this straightened out!

And the time frame is not to long away!

The ‘ethereal skies’ are soon to be filled with the whine and boom of multiplayer AC!




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..... and the sound of my jet smacking the hard dry desert, Migs in trail. LMAO I finally got the hang of energy fighting in the F-100 vs the Fresco. Although the 17 climbing at 80 degrees at 500 knots and increasing, has felled my aircraft more than once lately. <grin> Adds a nice challenge. But to down a Mig in the F-100 is a satisfying feat with the way things are now. I can't wait for low level attack runs in MP coop. Anyone have any idea if MP coop will include taking off together? There is just something about two bomb-laden Phantoms barreling down the runway at fullburn. Or perhaps a cat-shot? :D


<insert drool> :shock:


S! all and thanks for the update guys! Always seems to come just in time. =)

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hello i'm new to these forums, but it's been quite a while since i bought the WAl-Mart version.


Is this patch to fix the wallmart version?


thanks :wink:


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asnamara..the patch for the walmart version has been out for some time to bring it up to the gold release..contact thirdwire for further information



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Guest Ranger332

Thirdwire is replacing the walmart game with the newest game contact wally world or thirdwire for details,Info was first sentout via pc gamer mag i think








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Contact support@strategyfirst.com and they'll give you a fax number where you can send in either your receipt, a scanned copy of your jewel case, or an address where you can send in your Wally CD for a new one. They'll send out the Gold version within 2 to 3 weeks via snail mail.


*didn't know where to insert this up there, but you can also scan said items and send them via email to that address too.* :wink:

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