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What's Up With The Brits??

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Sorry, but I had to say something based on the reports I am hearing from across the pond. I am pretty ticked off at the Brits right now for the way they have treated our President this past week. When Tony Blair comes to DC do we flood the streets and yell obscenities at him? No. We show him the utmost respect because he represents the British people. When Bush visits England he is cursed at, badgered,etc and shown nothing but disrespect. Some of the British citizens interviewed said they dont hate Americans in general, just our leader. Hmm, last I checked Bush was elected and is still supported by the majority of Americans and he represents the American People when he visits other countries like Britain. If you hate Bush then essentially you hate the rest of us Americans because we put him in that position and we support what he is doing as President. There is no comp out by seperating the two.

The British are ticked off because they see Bush as the person who sent thier soldiers to die in Iraq, but what they fail to realize is the British and Americans are allies and back each other up in these situations. If something was to happen to Britain the Americans would be the first ones there. Im sick of this total disrespect for the United States and anti-american attitude in the UK.


BTW- Saddam didnt have missles with the range to attack the US, but he did have the range to hit England. Instead of having this attitude of "If we leave them alone (terrorism) they will go away" we have the attitude like in WWII where we said "Lets root out the problem so it doesnt threaten us again."


Sorry for my rant guys and I know its a bit political, but damnit I am pissed after seeing how my President (my representative) was treated by OUR allies this week. It really makes me angry that we try to do so much to make everyone happy but still get tomato thrown in our face. :(

lol at the original post. Saddam has missiles with the range to hit us, eh? Were these the ones they found alongside the fissionable material from niger?


As for the attitude that 'if we leave terrorism alone it will go away', Britain's involvement in Iraq has clearly made us more susceptible to terrorism, as the recent attack in Turkey showed. The rest of your post is so flawed Im not even going to bother.


As for 'sprechen Sie Deutsch?'... lol. Guess who's speaking English right now? Thats right. You. Because of us.

This is the kind of garbage I am talking about. :angry:

You protest against hate and violence but in turn spread that same hate and violence in order to get your point across. Nothing but a simpler form of terrorism. :angry:

Edited by Seawolf

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Trying to Jeff, but his tone was uncalled for. Im gonna leave it at that.

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Was not directed at you per se, more a blanket thread warning... ;)

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"... more a blanket thread warning... ;) "



Personally, the Brits as well as anyone has the right to disagree with us. Accenting to dissent is one of the things that makes us Americans. However, we can only hope their disagreement is based on logic and common sense or just a differance of opinion. If evil things are left to unchecked, they only grow worse. The British people hopefully learned that thanks to Neville Chamberlain. The pain they suffered from an unchecked Hitler was all too obvious.


While little to nothing has been found of Saddam's WMD, we all remember how he used chemicals and gas on the Iranians, Kurds, and even his own people back in the '80's. It was well documented by many sources. If they cant be found now may be explained as a clever propaganda attempt by him. Think about it. What better way to gain a political propaganda victory than to allow your enemy, who has claimed you have WMD, fail to find them and make himself look like a fool. Its a big country and these things are probably easy to hide somewhere. Our technology isnt capable of looking everywhere. This only weakens Saddams' enemy's argument for invasion and helps to turn your people against him, I mean, who likes to be invaded for no reason?


Just a thought and possibility...but coupled with his obvious megalomania and terror rule of his own people, I find it difficult to bewail his fall from power. He was just another heavy handed, evil dictator who needed to be ousted for whatever reason.

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I think we've pretty much all said what we've had to say. It's all gonna degenerate from here. I'm gonna lock this one down now.



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