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Nation specific ground objects?

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I'm putting together a 'WOEMAC' install based around the excellent Black Sea terrain. The main contenders will be Russia vs Ukraine, and I'll add in Turkey and maybe some other NATO stuff later once it's up and running.


I fly mostly single game generated missions, so as Russia and Ukraine use a lot of the same planes I'll be making nation specific Ukrainian versions of the planes and a selection of weapons.


Do I need to do the same with ground objects (tanks, trucks ZSU-23-4 etc) and for SAM missiles too? I don't want the Russian planes facing US tanks and AAA.


Any assistance would be appreciated.

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I'm putting together a 'WOEMAC' install based around the excellent Black Sea terrain. The main contenders will be Russia vs Ukraine, and I'll add in Turkey and maybe some other NATO stuff later once it's up and running.


I fly mostly single game generated missions, so as Russia and Ukraine use a lot of the same planes I'll be making nation specific Ukrainian versions of the planes and a selection of weapons.


Do I need to do the same with ground objects (tanks, trucks ZSU-23-4 etc) and for SAM missiles too? I don't want the Russian planes facing US tanks and AAA.


Any assistance would be appreciated.


Yes, you must make the Ukrainian ground objects specific to that nation. All the game engine recognizes is 'Friend' or 'Enemy' in the nations.ini file, so let that be your guide.

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It's just like 'nation specific' aircraft, a simple data ini edit.

Of couse, you'd need to create a new folder for the new main ini and data ini. Ground objects (stock ones at least) can still point to the original lods in the cat files.


I've done this for some Iranian AAA units; they had a home-built version of the Zu-23, so it becomes "Zu-23_I" for Iran, to seperate it from the Soviet versions used by Iraq.



kevin stein

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Thought so. Thanks for the assistance guys.


p.s. Kevin, don't forget to place a ZSU-23-4 outside the prison at Kermanshah, Iran, to throw a spanner in the works of Operation Warlord :wink:

Edited by allenjb42

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