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¿Windows 7 beta?

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downloading now...think maybe will try to install it on a partition on the trusty Compaq...unless it kicks a puppy, do not know how it could be worse than Vista...


Too bad Longhorn was dumped...used a "version" of it a friend had (in Thailand, hey no questions!) and it was as fast as Linux and sweet...was really looking forward to it...should have known. Before the people that like to flame anything bad about Vista...realize that it must be bad if Microsoft admits it has not been embraced by the public.


Since like what, 80+% of computers in the world use windows, I certainly wish windows 7 all of the best!


Again, if you worship Vista or just want to argue, please go away...if you have tried 7-beta please let me know (yes I know there are many places on the web to discuss this...but in this section of the basically the only forum I visit it seems un-obtrusive).


...52% downloaded...then burn the .iso then settle in to a long install driver fest and taking notes...



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hey, on a lark I typed "windows longhorn" in Google...turns out it is available as a beta!


maybe will try both!

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I've been running it for a couple of weeks now. So far I think I've got one device with no driver support (scanner) and an MS web-cam that works in anything apart from the capture application it came with! To be fair I haven't looked that hard for drivers as there's nothing I desperately need while I can still dual boot into XP.

So far I'm liking it, I've only used Vista briefly on my Sister's laptop, but as far as I can tell 7 looks like Vista but has the performance of XP and I've started loading it up with software etc. to make a fair comparison rather than just running a bare bones install.

My WoI works fine running it off the XP hard drive in 7 (Oct 08 Patch) without any dicking around with security settings etc. although I've set them one up from the bottom in the User Account Control (would have been bottom but there's a bug that stops the desktop gadgets displaying if you do that).

Like I say, I've never really used Vista so finding some settings is tricky as they've moved from where they were in XP, but it's nothing major and the UI is just so much prettier than XP I actually don't like going back to it!

Oh, not sure which version you're getting, I'm using Ultimate 64 bit, I'll probably regret this when I realise I can only afford Home Basic 8 Bit when it's finally released!

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i have vista ultimate 64 on my gamer,and have had no problems with it,that said i loaded utimate 32 on my laptop last night and after setting security settings to get rid of all the popups,i really like windows 7.have found no conflicts yet,gonna load xp and vista games and do a hard test on all of them and see if i can crash it.known fact that you can't run lomac because of starforce,but there's enough out there to test without it.be interesting to see what happens in the gamer comunity.

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My laptop hard drive died yesterday, so when I find a cheapo hard drive to replace it, that one will be my testbed for windows 7.


So far I have been totally underwhelmed with the vista experience on the two day old replacement laptop, but what did I expect having seen the horror on my frineds system bringing her out in hives for over a year. Touch the wood 7 will be better. When even microsoft excecs complain that a $1,200 laptop has been vistad into a glorified email machine, it makes me wonder if it was all a little too convenient, release crapware knowing that the average Joe will end up forking out for the next version just because Windows is all they are used to.


I for one will be swiftly moving over to Linux for all my OS needs if 7 is anything like vista.

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these threads are great, thanks!


all of those Google reference links to Longhorn are now dead...it did get me looking at Ubuntu and SymphonyOne...


the "dual boot" option seems plausible now whereas last time I did that was in the 3.11 / Win95 days and one had to start all over and reformat the HDD...read that XP gives the option to make a partition without a reformat...is this true?


maybe there will be a star-force work around? found a star-force removal utility for my Vista laptop since it kept giving that driver compatibility issue...maybe that will work for 7-beta? [NOTE: before anyone goes cosmic about the removal utility it came from star-force!]


thanks again for all of the great threads already!



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the only games i can't run are starforce protected,where did you find the utility?i'd like to try it. if your not comfortable putting in thread p/m me.

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I installed 7 on a second hard drive on my desktop, but the principal should be the same for installing to a partition, when you boot you get the option of starting Win7 or XP. I don't think XP includes a disc partitioning tool, however there are a couple of freeware ones floating around these days.

Oh yeah and back-up anything important before hand just in case!

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the only games i can't run are starforce protected,where did you find the utility?i'd like to try it. if your not comfortable putting in thread p/m me.



eh, Google..."remove starforce"...its the fourth on the list... http://www.onlinesecurity-on.com/protect.phtml?c=55


worked on the Vista laptop as it had that damn "driver not compatible" pop-up every time at start up

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¿any one try "Ubuntu"?


looks very promising...was reading about SymphonyOne and it says it is based on Unbuntu 7...they have Unbuntu 8+ out now and it is free...maybe will give that a go as well...

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looks very promising...was reading about SymphonyOne and it says it is based on Unbuntu 7...they have Unbuntu 8+ out now and it is free...maybe will give that a go as well..


O/S Tart! :biggrin:

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FYI I've seen some stats on comparing XP vs Vista vs W7 in games and it's a mixed bag. A couple of games ran faster on 7 than the other 2, but in 75% of the cases XP was still the fastest (in DX9). In DX10, Vista usually won, but that's likely because of the drivers and beta situation.

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