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Another decal question

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Hello All,


I'm asking this question because I'm flying some of the excellent F-14 skins by pauln. If you have a decal folder specified as "D" in the skin folder and you have a numbers list, you change the numbers list to xnumbers and make sure the first number tga has the 000 after the name, but this doesn't work if the game randomly picks a number you don't have. . . right? Or does this only apply to skins which use the "in-stock" game numbers, but even then the game might pick a number not included. I don't get tail insignia on my tomcats alot. The pathnames for the decals are correct. Little mixed up.



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No your problems lies with that amount of decals made. The idea amount is more than 15 but even then, if it chooses the last number, you may not get a tail decal. Its best to just manually select the tail numbers in the loadout screen.

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As always, thanks Dave. I think (have to double check) even if I specify the CAG bird 00 when the game picked 10, it still starts assigning the flight at 10.

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