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I need your opinion on this here, I have your MiG-31M mod for inskyes mig, but I couldn`t delete the canopy and other parts.. I only found a way to mod Veltros MiG-31A into a M, are u interested in this mod?! Need someone who can make a nice skin, You can create some avionic suff for this bird and I think this could be a nice addition for the comunity


here is a pic of a current WIP:





what do you think?! Is this the right base for a M mod?!

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I need your opinion on this here, I have your MiG-31M mod for inskyes mig, but I couldn`t delete the canopy and other parts.. I only found a way to mod Veltros MiG-31A into a M, are u interested in this mod?! Need someone who can make a nice skin, You can create some avionic suff for this bird and I think this could be a nice addition for the comunity


here is a pic of a current WIP:





what do you think?! Is this the right base for a M mod?!


Need ECM pods & pilons for 6 R-37 missiles































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Mh the ECM stuff is finished (3D) maybe I will create this as a weapon or should this be a part of the canopy mod?! I`m not sure about those pylons

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Hey lindr2 may I ask you for some help with this???


triplethr3ats test report:


After some testing here is what ive found


Flight Model

-seems surprisingly slow for one of the fastest combat aircraft ever built.

-Accelerates very slowly

-Rudder seems to do squat at all speeds above 80 knots making it impossible to stear the aircraft while taking off or landing

/rudder works fine below 80 knots


-aerlerons animation is reversed (easy fix)

-would also be nice to have rotating forward wheel (also easy fix)


-could use a little more detail on the landing gears (especialy the wheels)


Besides that everything seems fairly good. The cockpit looks great and the 3d model is also well done. Shes alot of fun to fly once the power issue is fixed.


I`m not a ini Guru but I saw your projects and have downloaded all your stuff cause you pay attention to detail, and that`s what I`m looking for. Hope you say yes :-)


best regards


Martin and comunity

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Bum this... If you can`t or want to help it`s ok but just tell pls.. ;-) this thing was created by the inspiration of your M work out of inskyes MiG-31

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Flight Model

-seems surprisingly slow for one of the fastest combat aircraft ever built.


Max speed restricted by speedSL=416m/s 1500 Kmph is true value, on the altitude must be 2.83M, how get this? i don't know, ask Krizis, he said: get 2.5M on MiG-25


-Accelerates very slowly

Maybe, but i changes engine thrust & tables to real,SLThrustDry=91000.0 SLThrustWet=165000.0

i'm working also on MiG-31, & must be SLThrustDry=91000.0 SLThrustWet=152000.0 for(MIG-31,B,BS)


-Rudder seems to do squat at all speeds above 80 knots making it impossible to stear the aircraft while taking off or landing

/rudder works fine below 80 knots

Easy to fix




MaxControlSpeed=128 //(m/s) set 200-300, need to know exact value..



-aerlerons animation is reversed (easy fix)

-would also be nice to have rotating forward wheel (also easy fix)


-could use a little more detail on the landing gears (especialy the wheels)


no problem, i think

Edited by lindr2

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thanks for reply have you recieved the rapidshare link of my Mig-31M mod? I will try to fix those things.

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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have you recieved the rapidshare link of my Mig-31M mod? I will try to fix those things.


not yet, but i want to see that.

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I send it to you 2 days ago i think as a PM ... will send it again ;-)


You have PM

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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IMPORTANT! please fix my error in Mig-31M_data.ini & MiG-31BM_data.ini





Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-M







Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-BM




in therwise Wingman can't launch AHM's

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'Old-style' Avionics & cockpit for MiG-31 & MiG-31B(BS) WIP







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Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr great! something to play with ;-)


Will the canopy of the BM be reworked?!


Good work on this one I already thought about asking you for some new 31 types... you mindreader

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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both are more than awesome!!!!!hope to fly both asap!!!!!

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