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Over Flanders Fileds Phase 3

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Basically for my 6 month-old to get older and out of the "needs hours of attention every day" phase!


Did I ever mention I only got maybe 5 hrs in phase 1? I don't even remember if I've ever gotten around to installing phase 2, actually...


Just aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week.

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I just looked, but unfortunately there isn't an option in Workshops to do away with domestic/RL committments. Winder is good.....but he ain't that good.....lol.


As in all aspects of life, priorities must be maintained. A good many of us have been in your shoes I'm sure. Fortunately, some of us old farts are way past having to nurse a child through their "formative" years. Mind you, my 21 yr old (and the 19 yr old) require a fair bit of attention nonetheless. The only difference is it doesn't involve them torturing the cat or sticking something in an electrical outlet..........usually :crazy:


Hopefully once things slow down on the domestic front, you'll have the opportunity to spend some time on the western front. I find it's much calmer there......lol.







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Right, and that was my main point to begin with. Knowing how much time I have available to dedicate to it, I can't justify paying for P3 to myself.


I know several people who buy a game, play it one or maybe 2 days, and then never touch it again because with their limited time they're on to the next one already! I also know a guy who makes excuse after excuse for not buying a given new game and then instead replays game X for the 5th time (like playing the KOTOR RPG 4 times at 50hrs/each!) In their case, though, I think they have less money than they pretend to and can't afford to buy games even at $20 very often!


So for WWI fans with the time I think OFF is definitely worth a look. For those like me, however, who has spent probably 45% of my flight time in jets and 45% in WWII, WWI stuff just takes a back seat.

I even DL'd the MAW mod for CFS3 on its release...and still haven't installed it!!

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No matter what responsibilities you have in life, you have to make some time for yourself. I get up at 6:30 every morning, I get the Missus out of bed (she's a quadriplegic) and get her settled. I then do what I want until my 3 year old son gets out of bed around 8:30 or so, which signals the end of my "me" time until he goes to bed at 8:30 pm. Between him, the Missus, and the housework, my day is plenty full. After that I fly or whatever until bedtime. I do find myself dozing off while flying sometimes during longer missions, but I guess that was a hazard IRL as well.

To each his own I reckon.



Edited by Cameljockey

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