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No Genies for the Scorpion

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I have edited pylons and weapon types on the wing stations and STILL cannot get an AIR-2A Genie on my F-89D and F-89H Scorpion.


Am I missing something? I already changed the max load on the wings to 1,500 which is the same as the F-106's Genie station.


Confused... :dntknw:

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GAH!!! Nevermind.... it was the attachment type. I should have known this. :rtfm:

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These are on my "new" versions??? Never had a problem with them, meself (H and the 2 J models)


BTW, C & D's never were cleard for the Genie...don't you think I done my research before uploading??? The loads shown in that packare ARE correct!!



kevin stein

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