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I was starting to derail the screenshot thread a bit so I deleted my last post there and thought I would bring that discussion about my wheels here instead.





No actually the wheels on that Vark was fine (as far as I can remember). It's the new ones that were going backwards. Perhaps there is a difference in how SFG interprets the .ini from other thirdwire sims? Anyone else using the new ones in SFG that can confirm?


Dude I am just pulling your leg. :lol:

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Dude I am just pulling your leg. :lol:


man you're evil, you had me going too, I was just about to jump into WOE to check my varks out, lol! :haha:

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Dude I am just pulling your leg. :lol:



Oh so that is why my knee is bad?


I still wanna know though if there is a difference between sims. I have myself been in the situation where I fix something for one guy and that breaks it for another, and when I fix it for him it breaks it for the first guy again.

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