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pasko's Ju-87 B model

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Hi, guys. i was wondering. Is Pasko still around? i was joping that his stuka could be modded into a D or G model or both, with his permission of course. I have his g model on my hardrive from a long time ago with the anti-tank guns loaded on it but cant get them to fire. i am not sure if there was a bombload on this plane or not. i don't want to do anything without his permission. But if this can be obtained, I could send the model to someone to see at least the g-model become a reality for SF if someone is interested in toying with it. Please let me know/ thx.

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Wasn't he doing some stuff for YAP???


Does the G have a completely new LOD from the B, or/and the anti-tank gun under-wing pods? Or is is a modded B??


If the later, you can do what I've always done...just NOT include the aircraft's LOD, and tell folks wheer to get it (from the B)


If the former, a new LOD, he'd have to ok.


I'm not that "up" on my Stukas, but I think they might have carried SOMETHING other than the cannons...more research is needed on my part (stuck in the Pacific and Texas!!! :haha: )



kevin stein

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Hi, kevin. Not too sure, Its on my other pc which I need to check. probably tomorrow. i just know that it was his b modified with the guns on the wings or under them. they dont fire when you press trigger. As for loadout besides the main guns, I would have to look up too. Let me check and get back to you. as for a D model. that might be different as the loadouts differ and the d series has cannon instead of machine guns(d-3 to d-5.) The d has aditional armor. But I would think it could be made out of the B.



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Did a little reasearh too, :biggrin: G's had just the BK 3.7 cannon -- with 6 rounds each!!!! and NO other ordanance.


It sounds more like an ini problem. If you like, I'll be happy to take a take a leak at it.



kevin stein

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Got it!!


Need a break for terrain fiddling and making boat-loads fo decals for all the IJN birds for Pearl/Midway.


btw, did I ever mention I have a home-made template for the Stuka??? :wink: unfortunately, only 512x512 -- I guess I could expand it and resharpen the rivets/panels....



kevin stein

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Ok, good. The e-mail addy on your website returned invlaid delivery. you may want to update that. thx.

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bet it's the old comcast one...better fix that!!


btw, check PMs...that bird is NOT ready for prime time!! :sorry:



kevin stein

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