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Soviet, Warsaw Pact, and Russian formations

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Hey guys, I'm currently studying Soviet, Warsaw pact, and Russian formations. We went over the large formations, but didn't really cover the small parts and the professor left it up to us to study. Basically I need to know the basic formations from fire team (smallest formation) to about regiment size for the regular infantry, motorized infantry, tanks, and airborne forces.


Also, what is a senior riflemen? Is that the equivalent to a fire team leader?

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My biggest advice would be to talk to Lindr2 and Gr. Viper, as they are both from Russia and would have a pretty good idea or be able to find it or even point u to where to go.

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Yeah I'll PM them. I know theirs a field manual 100-2-3 that has some of the info, but I would have to buy it.

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Hey guys, I'm currently studying Soviet, Warsaw pact, and Russian formations. We went over the large formations, but didn't really cover the small parts and the professor left it up to us to study. Basically I need to know the basic formations from fire team (smallest formation) to about regiment size for the regular infantry, motorized infantry, tanks, and airborne forces.


Also, what is a senior riflemen? Is that the equivalent to a fire team leader?


Do you know wSteel Panthers Main Battle Tank (SPMBT) Game. SPMBT is a classic super-mod for the fanfavorite 1996 SSI game, Steel Panthers 2: Modern Battles strategy Game. This Game is Free, but include big Database about military forces, weapons and formations of all countries between 1946-20XX.

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Hey guys, I'm currently studying Soviet, Warsaw pact, and Russian formations. We went over the large formations, but didn't really cover the small parts and the professor left it up to us to study. Basically I need to know the basic formations from fire team (smallest formation) to about regiment size for the regular infantry, motorized infantry, tanks, and airborne forces.


Also, what is a senior riflemen? Is that the equivalent to a fire team leader?


i just checked my military E-book archive (>2GB Russsian military manuals) i found books (RUSSIAN lang.)


- The textbook of the sergeant of rocket troops and artillery. For commanders of instruments, mortars and rocket artillery fighting vehicles. 1989 (djvu)


- The textbook of the sergeant of tank subdivisions. The book 2. 1976 (djvu)


- The textbook of the sergeant of Chemical troops. The edition 2. 1988 (djvu)


- Military charters of Armed forces of the USSR. 1979 (djvu)


- The textbook of the sergeant of Airborne troops. A unit 1 & 2. 1975 (djvu)


- The textbook of the sergeant of engineering troops. 1976 (djvu)


- The textbook of the sergeant motorised-rifle units.1978 (djvu)


I can send you these books, But the translator is necessary to you.


P.S. Interestingly, and your professor there are these books?

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I don' think my professor knows or even has these books. I really don't need you to send them to me (all though I do like the in depth reading and translating), more or less for now, I just need a general out line of the smallest formation to about mid size.


Thanks Lindr.

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what kind of course are you taking?

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I don't know what you are really wanting, but this is what was drilled in my head for years regarding a Soviet styled Motorized Rifle Regiment.


24-36 Hours before an attack you get the Div Recon which is a Tank Platoon, a BMP Inf platoon, like 4 BRDMS and maybe a GSR conducting recon, and counter recon.


4-12 Hours before the attack you get the Regiment's Recon operating confirming the Div Recon and providing better intel to the Regiment, it is like 8 BRDMs (including AT ones) 4 BMPs


Then comes the CRP (Combat Recon Patrol) 3 BMPs, these guys are there to provide final intel to the next wave, the Forward Security Element.


30 minutes later is the Forward Security Element (FSE) 1 BMP Inf Company (10 BMPs) 1 tank platoon (3 Tanks) a BRDM AT section (3) a SP Mortar Company (8 120mm tubes) and a SP Howitzer support batters (6 tubes) Their job is to fix the enemy's defense to allow the Advanced guard to manuver.


20 minutes later is the Advanced Guard Main Body(AGMB) They are a BN size force with a tank company(-) Only 2 platoons as the company's other tank platoon was in the FSE Their job is to finsih the destruction of the enemy the FSE came in contact with, reduced obsticales and allow for the main body to contiue the attack.


Then comes the main body. the 2 remaining Tank Companies of the Regiment's Tank BN and 2 BMP Inf BNs.


This shows how the Soviet's philosiphy was simply to use quantity of soldiers to attempt to overwhelm the enemy. This was a very bloody way to fight, and the ability of modern anti armor weapons to destroy tanks (especially Soviet models) quickly and efficeintly has made this method very obsolete. If you conduct an attack in this manner against a modern western military, you simply are not going to win.


I'm not for certain but I am pretty sure the Russian have drasticly changed thier tactics, especially after Grozny. As well as they just don't have the resources anymore to be able to lose at least BN sized force in every regimental sized attack anymore, they just don't have Regiment after Regiment to throw in to the frey anymore like during the Cold War.

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@ Typhoid

Modern Military History and Tactics, covers from 1945 to know with emphasis on Cold War tactics of NATO and Warsaw


@ Jeremiah Weed

That helped to explain the attack tactics better. The professor did talk about how they would attack en mass with an advance element, but he never really described the compositions.




I found something on an early Egyptian formations of the 1967 War. It should be pretty close to the layout of Soviet formations right?


RIFLE AND PARA SQUADS: 8x AK-47, 1xRPD LMG, 1xRPG-2. 3 squads per platoon, 3 platoons plus command per company. Para platoon could be airdropped or carried in one Mi-8 per platoon. Rifle squad could use trucks.


MECH AND MOTOR SQUADS: As rifle squad but only 7x AK-47. Mech squads use BTR-50PKs, motor use BTR-152/BTR-60P or PB/ OT-64C SKOT. Higher organisation as above.


SUPPORT TEAMS:Mainly organised at battalion level and deployed as needed. PKM MMGs and DShk HMGs and 82mm mortars with 4-man teams, all but gunner have SKS. AT teams had one man with SKS and one RPG-2 or B-10 recoilless. Scout teams were 3-4 riflemen in a BTR-40 or BRDM-1.




Found some more info


Motorized Rifle Squad (BMP):



Squad Leader/BMP Commander............................AK-74

Assistant Squad Leader/BMP Gunner.....................AK-74

BMP Driver/Mechanic..........................................PM (Makarov pistol)

Machine Gunner................................................RPK-74

Machine Gunner................................................RPK-74


Senior Rifleman.................................................AK-74

Rifleman/Asst. Grenadier.....................................AK-74



Note: The dismounted squad element consisted of 7 personnel. The BMP Driver and Assistant Squad Leader/BMP Gunner remained with the BMP to provide fire support.




Motorized Rifle Platoon (BMP) (3x BMP's):


Platoon HQ:


Platoon Leader..................................................PM

Assistant Platoon Leader....................................AK-74


3x Motorized Rifle Squads (BMP)




1) With a standard 9-man load, each BMP had two empty seats to accomodate the PL/APL if needed.

2) One squad in each platoon was equipped with an SVD sniper rifle, in addition to the weapons listed above.

3) The dismounted squad had no portable radio.




Motorized Rifle Company (BMP)


Company HQ (1x BMP):


Company Commander.........................................PM

Deputy Command/Political Officer.........................PM

Senior Technician..............................................PM

First Sergeant...................................................AK-74

BMP Commander/Gunner.....................................PM

BMP Driver/Mechanic..........................................PM


3x Motorized Rifle Platoons (BMP)

Edited by suhsjake

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Not absolutely so...


You read the book of general Troshev "My war. The Chechen diary of the trench general"?


So many interesting data. For example you heard about general Shamanov? The general Death as names its some.




In the end of May - the beginning of June I have seen it in battle. Nearby the Chiri-yurta we Assaulted the cement works locking an input in Argunsky gorge. About it Episode I told above. Besides that a complex of factory buildings Represented a powerful shore fortification so also the district was Difficult for our attacking subdivisions. And gangsters have well entrenched, Have become stronger and were ready to battle to forces much surpassing them.

Shamanov has reported on me the decision on battle. I have approved its variant. However In order to avoid bloodshed has asked (for conscience clearing) to send The truce envoy to insurgents. "Put them the ultimatum: resistance is useless - Or delivery in a captivity, or utter annihilation ", - I have told to Vladimir

Shamanov. It has made all, has followed instructions. In general, we have arrived "On-gentelmen-ski". As they say, our business - to offer.

The field commander defending militants has answered the ultimatum defiantly impudently: we, say, here all will bury you, in gorge you not

Will enter, - something in this sort.

Shamanov already teeth has begun to grind, having listened to the gangster:

- Well, the swine, you at me will wait! I still will talk to you, if is live You will remain! - also has there and then ordered: - Forward!

And here has begun. One day, the second, the third... That artillery blows,

That a fighting patrol, fire skirmishes. And at last - night storm. Competently and With firmness insurgents defended. Some soldiers have trembled. Shamanov on the sly Grew furious.

- Calm down! - we spoke to it to it with the general V.Bulgakovym. - not Hurry up. All the same we will break.

Vladimir Anatolevich has headed night attack itself. In air from iron and Lead it was already close. On air - a floor-mat. Insurgents shout: "the Allah, akbar!" And Shamanov, like 'Chapaev', - ahead...

Took a factory. The whole group of insurgents have exhausted: tens corpses have found in entrenchments

And ruins of buildings. We go with Шамановым after battle on positions, live we search. I look - and at Shamanov a camouflage in blood.

- You that, are wounded?

- Yes, a little, - answers and breathes, as a horse after gallop.

- Immediately in hospital!

- Wait, a companion the general, - has begged Shamans. - I while pains not I feel. Allow to the leader of a gang to look in eyes. I promised...

It was necessary to agree. We eventually have found two live insurgents. At One - a grenade has broken off a bum. A terrible show. Lays on a back -

Reaches. Before our eyes also has come to an end. At the second has torn off a hand. Blood already the Has almost flowed out and now only slowly flew down in a brown pool. Have peered - Vakh, The field commander who threatened to bury here us all. Pale, as Chalk. Looks scaredly.

- What you, the villain, have done? - I have begun. - it is so much people (the before In total!) has ruined, the factory has torn down!.

- Has enough done some fighting, a nit?! - has flared up Shamanov.

Wished to add still something, and at the Chechen - tears in eyes. Has begun to cry, as The child. Have spat in hearts upon the blood-stained earth and have moved to the.

Edited by lindr2

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"Modern Military History and Tactics, covers from 1945 to know with emphasis on Cold War tactics of NATO and Warsaw"




While at the Naval War College I took an elective course on the NATO Air Land Battle concept then being developed in the mid '80's. I wonder how much of that made it into the course.


and of course as a practioner of the art on the NATO side of things in the maritime regions for some period of the time. Not much insight into the detailed ground stuff you are now asking about though beyond the larger force levels involved.

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