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"Permanent" vs. "Mission" .LODs

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Basic question - how come sometimes certain .LODs will only appear in missions and can't be used as target objects in a location (i.e., an airbase). If I update them in the _TYPES.INI and properly reference these, shouldn't they in most cases show up as target objects too? I can get 95% of the .LODs that I want to appear, but every once in a while some of them just don't show up no matter how much I double-check and move things around. I understand the fundamentals of UseGroundObject=TRUE/FALSE and placing the .LODs, etc. in the Terrain folder, etc. but I must be missing something else. Thanks for any additional insight!

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Are we speaking of things like veicles, AAA/SAM units, ie "Ground Objects" or terrain objects?


Terrain objects (buildings and such) pretty much always show up; say in this example, you're in the free camera view at Los Angeles, and wander up to San Francisco, the bridges and buildings and runway will be ther, but no AAA or trucks or ships and things.


We had a thread about this last year sometime; the determination was ground objects spawn (and de-spawn) some in a radius of between 25-50 km from the players aircraft. I've actualy watched docked ships "pop" out of existence when flying away from the area.



kevin stein

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