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Prevent objects from being designated a Target

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For custom objects added into the Target_Types.ini files, how does one make it so they are not assigned as a potential target. Example, I've created and added a basic aircrate into the _TYPES.INI file and it displays just fine, but does that mean that an "Aircrate" could potentially be assigned a target - I would assume so...? Thanks for the clarification! Maybe I'm getting confused on where the .lods go - objects, terrain, etc...?

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I've done this MAAAAAAANNNNY times! Simply give it a 0 target value....


from the stock _types.ini:








TargetValue=0 <------
















Have you looked at many of my terrain rebuilds? There's LOTs and LOTs of new added structures, mostly imported from Polaks' Object Library -- various and sundry buildings (btw: there is a stack of shipping crates in there too...)


All added "thingys" like that go directly into the terrain's folder, are listed in the _types inis, and given placements via the usual method via the _Targets.ini



kevin stein

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You're the man Kevin, that's great info - thanks! Which one of your remakes do you think would be best to learn more from and leverage object .lods best for populating an airbase? Where would I find Polak's Object Library - I must have missed that!

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Which ones???? Well, any of them... SoCal probalby has the most for "modern" times (followed by ASW - but the new version to come may have more), the latest Libya also has some "nice" things :haha:


Any of my WW2 rebuilds (Okinawa, China, Burma, New Guinea, Solomons ( v.25 is still awaiting new trees by Deuces)


Polaks' Object Library 1 is mostly stuff imprted from CFS2 (see attached jpg from the set), and has a more WW2 PTO look

CA_Stary's Hangar Pak is VERY cool as well (used some on the Hawaii map)



kevin stein

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