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Typical soviet manufacturing : Tu-95MS strange bug

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YES, I know it's a BETA.

NO, I'm not complaining, just pointing out a rather strange and amusing bug in case the Bear Team hasn't encountered it yet.


So, I was playing with the nice Tu-95MS beta and noticed an interesting bug.


Out of a flight of 6 Bears, 4 had turboprops trouble, with either the propellers missing completely or the propellers stuck.

What's interesting is that while I would understand such a bug as only cosmetic (running out of ressources, the game engine decides not to render some parts or animations), it actually affects flight, with the crippled Bears constantly struggling to fly straight as they naturally turn toward the dead propellers...


Some pictures...


My #3, with the outer left propellers completely missing and one on the outer left stuck



My #4, shortly after take-off, the whole left side stuck



My #5, ready for his take-off run, with one propeller missing and 3 stuck



My #6, left side stuck



So, is it a bug, or a feature aiming to reproduce the poor maintenance of the Bear fleet ? :biggrin:


PS : Mystery solved, after observing them closely in another mission, it appears that the plane bounces so much that the propellers are damaged, was funny though.

Edited by Gunrunner

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PS : Mystery solved, after observing them closely in another mission, it appears that the plane bounces so much that the propellers are damaged, was funny though.


stop using rubber to pave your runways :lmaosmiley:

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But comrade, we were out of concrete and we had to do something with all this rubber that was delivered to us following Gosplan...

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Nice, some more Bears, and they're not dancing :D


Not to sound greedy, but do you guys have, by any chance, plan to work on Tu-95RTs, Tu-95MR , Tu-142 and Tu-126 ?

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