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Are flight sims going out of style?

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When you've got three hundred dollars in HOTAS for the PC it's hard to consider playing a console sim.


That said, I'm VERY interested in seeing the IL2 console game, just to see what happens to it in the market.


No doubt, I wasn't suggesting migrating from PC to the consoles and abandoning the considerable investments many of us have made. Only that it's probably fair to say that the current generation of consoles might be capable of running a robust simulator with the kind of processing power and data storage space that they're now packing. Decent flightsim controls aren't abundant for consoles, but they're basically USB (though I think XB360 is still a proprietary connection?) so they could show up if enough interest was there to support it.


I guess what I was trying to get at was that if a developer felt they had to adapt their product to a modern console to stay afloat, that we're potentially at a point where it could be done and still be "faithful" to the simulation genre. I would strongly prefer that the PC remains the core platform for such products, but in this grim economy for a game developer in a niche market the consoles might be tempting waters to try.

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