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Videos & messed up type98

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First.. what software do people use to capture the ingame action into a video format to show

seconds.. i just downloaded the type98 by howling1.. and the cockpit faces east..ie.. i get to fly looking right

and my aircraft model doesnt show up..

its just transparent

i am patched to the latest version of WOE

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Mainly people use things like Frapps or game cam, i tried using the free trial of frapps but didnt like it because it made my game lag really really badly, so now i just take screenshots and put em in videos. I would help too with the type98 thingy, but im afraid i dont have a clue what your on about, sorry. Hope i helped with the video issue though. Oh also, i think you have to pay to use gamecam and frapps, well if you want the full version.

Edited by scouserlad13

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Is it safe to assume you're speaking of the Indian Type 96 and/or 96B??? I didn't think they went to "98"

Or perhaps the Mig-21-93 Bison??? (not too familiar with that one -- other than it's need new avionce to simulate the HUD). I have an uncompleted version, using the A-4F cockpit and F-15-style avioncs that give you a HUD. But, IIRC, someone's already done something along these lines......old age, I forget things sometimes...hard to keep track of all them pesky Fishbeds... :haha:


Can you post some screenshots, to help describe the problem?


Also, you know there's an update pak for both the 96 and 96B in the Downloads/Aircraft/Mig-21 section that I did in 2007?


Brings the bird to atleast the 06 patch level. All the InAF Fishbed need yet another update to their data inis to bring it the 08 levels, but that's a pretty simple matter of data ini copy/paste of the relevant sections into a newly extracted 21mf data ini (IF, as always, one knows what one is doing...)



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
Is it safe to assume you're speaking of the Indian Type 96 and/or 96B??? I didn't think they went to "98"

Or perhaps the Mig-21-93 Bison??? (not too familiar with that one -- other than it's need new avionce to simulate the HUD). I have an uncompleted version, using the A-4F cockpit and F-15-style avioncs that give you a HUD. But, IIRC, someone's already done something along these lines......old age, I forget things sometimes...hard to keep track of all them pesky Fishbeds... :haha:


Can you post some screenshots, to help describe the problem?


Also, you know there's an update pak for both the 96 and 96B in the Downloads/Aircraft/Mig-21 section that I did in 2007?


Brings the bird to atleast the 06 patch level. All the InAF Fishbed need yet another update to their data inis to bring it the 08 levels, but that's a pretty simple matter of data ini copy/paste of the relevant sections into a newly extracted 21mf data ini (IF, as always, one knows what one is doing...)





kevin stein


Thanks guys..

But I did some messing of my own.. removed the buggy 96B(yea.. tough to keep track)..took a mig-21 bis...modified the data file to include a kopyo radar from the 21-98....changed the avionics file to use the radar display from the mig-29 so now the kopyo looks the part.added a IAF pilot I made by modifying a certain pilotT1.Added an onboard ecm. Changed the engine to the exact specification availiable from the net.Then added the skins for the type 96B to the bis model.

then changed the loadout to reflect the use of adders on escorts and recons...now I have my own little custom Mig-21 BISONish.. :P



I do need some help on how to shorten the nose of a jet and add a centerline hardpoint.. i dont want to upload the model but i get a certain satisfaction getting screen shots of accurate jets..lol.

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  Wrench said:
Is it safe to assume you're speaking of the Indian Type 96 and/or 96B??? I didn't think they went to "98"

Or perhaps the Mig-21-93 Bison??? (not too familiar with that one -- other than it's need new avionce to simulate the HUD). I have an uncompleted version, using the A-4F cockpit and F-15-style avioncs that give you a HUD. But, IIRC, someone's already done something along these lines......old age, I forget things sometimes...hard to keep track of all them pesky Fishbeds... :haha:


Can you post some screenshots, to help describe the problem?


Also, you know there's an update pak for both the 96 and 96B in the Downloads/Aircraft/Mig-21 section that I did in 2007?


Brings the bird to atleast the 06 patch level. All the InAF Fishbed need yet another update to their data inis to bring it the 08 levels, but that's a pretty simple matter of data ini copy/paste of the relevant sections into a newly extracted 21mf data ini (IF, as always, one knows what one is doing...)





kevin stein


Thanks guys..

But I did some messing of my own.. removed the buggy 96B(yea.. tough to keep track)..took a mig-21 bis...modified the data file to include a kopyo radar from the 21-93....changed the avionics file to use the radar display from the mig-29 so now the kopyo looks the part.added a IAF pilot I made by modifying a certain pilotT1.Added an onboard ecm. Changed the engine to the exact specification availiable from the net.Then added the skins for the type 96B to the bis model.

then changed the loadout to reflect the use of adders on escorts and recons...now I have my own little custom Mig-21 BISONish.. :P


Wrench I did use your update pak & Im 99% sure I put it in correctly... but the problem remained. The change it did to the thing wa that now instead of facing east the cockpit pointed correctly but was fixed(roll the jet the cockpit stayed level), the aircraft responded funny and continued to remain transparent..must be a bug or corruption?? in my install


I do need some help on how to shorten the nose of a jet and add a centerline hardpoint.. i dont want to upload the model but i get a certain satisfaction getting screen shots of accurate jets..lol.

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Still need screenies to see the problem...


And, it does sound like you messed up the install somehow ...


"the cockpit dosen't move" meaning???? the horizon dosn't move when initiating a roll?


It also sound like you're NOT using the proper LOD files. The pack I uploaded works just fine -- leave it alone. Everything is already set up for nearly instant use. Well, other than tweeking the avionics a bit, and it uses "nationalized" InAF weapons.


Does you Type 96B (India).ini look like this inside:



AircraftFullName=IAF Type 96B Fishbed-J




































Name=No.7 Sq BattleAxes







If not, you messed something up. Cause it works fine for me!!



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
Still need screenies to see the problem...


And, it does sound like you messed up the install somehow ...


"the cockpit dosen't move" meaning???? the horizon dosn't move when initiating a roll?


It also sound like you're NOT using the proper LOD files. The pack I uploaded works just fine -- leave it alone. Everything is already set up for nearly instant use. Well, other than tweeking the avionics a bit, and it uses "nationalized" InAF weapons.


Does you Type 96B (India).ini look like this inside:




If not, you messed something up. Cause it works fine for me!!



kevin stein


Yea wrench it does... and I din mess wid ur install a bit.. just put it as it is.. no tweakin or anything..

ill get u a screenie soon.. Im out of town again..but I did re-install the 96b again.. still had the problem.


m certain now that something has gone wrong with my WOE install.

now it often just aborts the mission on its own if the gameplay gets a little heavy.

even after i upped my ram to 2 gigs..My graphics are all medium..


As a request.. is it posssible for me to use your model to create a 21-BISON??.

All I want to do is improve the avionics on it to simulate the bison with its ACM,TWS modes.

I I tried with the 21-93 to achieve this but I havent got it down right..

Edited by santro

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BTW,if I got some more time..I think I can do some update for Indian Fishbeds

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Proper multi-MFD pits for Indian Fishbeds would be superb! And the Bison ... and the Lancer..... and....and.... :rolleyes:

Any help to improve them is MORE than welcome!! It'll make Ghostrider883 VERY happy!


as to the model, its STILL just the plane ole' 3rdWire 21MF lod, so I'm sure it probably needs some "tweeking"


Santos, feel free to do what you like ... those readmes with the "ask permission" were from LOOOOOONNNG before the "Freeware Accords Treaty", so jump on it baby!!! No permission from is needed; just spell my right :biggrin:



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
Proper multi-MFD pits for Indian Fishbeds would be superb! And the Bison ... and the Lancer..... and....and.... :rolleyes:

Any help to improve them is MORE than welcome!! It'll make Ghostrider883 VERY happy!


as to the model, its STILL just the plane ole' 3rdWire 21MF lod, so I'm sure it probably needs some "tweeking"


Santos, feel free to do what you like ... those readmes with the "ask permission" were from LOOOOOONNNG before the "Freeware Accords Treaty", so jump on it baby!!! No permission from is needed; just spell my right :biggrin:



kevin stein


Wrench.. here's my problem with the 96B

I downloaded a new file from CA about 20 min ago along with the update.

installed it as per instructions.



AircraftFullName=IAF Type 96B Fishbed-J



































Name=No.7 Sq BattleAxes







and the images are of the 96B.. and my bison for reference(the visible one..doesnt have the new active stealth of the 96B).

also a shot of the 96B folder

by the by..

who do i ask. where do i look for some initial lessons on making cockpits.

and avionics??




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The game engine is not seeing the LODS, which it should as the 21MF is stock in WoE.


First off, delete that LOD out of the aircraft's foldere, and retest. Let the game engine use the LODs in the objects.cat.

I also see a second, "nested" Type96B folder ... double check that one, as it may have the 'new' bits, and needs to be at the top level



kevin stein

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