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FS WW1 help required

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I just think FS WW1 is the most fun one can have with a WW1 sim, yes I have OFF and FE but FS WW1 has a lot to offer that the others do not for me.


Now down to my problem of banding in the sky, I understand it is the graphics card I have a Niveda I have Riva Tuner but am unable to use it as I do not know how can any one help ?



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In RivaTuner go in to edit the OpenGL settings. Force the OpenGL version to 1.5. :)

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In RivaTuner go in to edit the OpenGL settings. Force the OpenGL version to 1.5. :)


Thanks for the quick reply, this is what I could find in my Riva Tuner V2.22


Click MAIN drop down, go to bottom Force wear detected/OpenGL Settings/Compatibilty


Open GL compatability settings


OpenGL version string overide set at 1.5


Tried game no change still the same.


Is this correct ?

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Yes, that sounds right. Still no change? This stopped the really bad banding on my PC, but with the sky it exists in some form.


You can also force 32bit in OpenGL and set force S3TC compression in RivaTuner. That might help as well.

Edited by ArgonV

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Thanks ArgonV looks like I will have to live with it and I can.


One thing I have never seen in any other flight sim (i maybe wrong) is I crashed landed the Fokker D7 and the wheels can off and carried on rolling on when they came off just like in real life wonderful stuff the sim has so much going for it.


Thanks for a wonderful sim.

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Ah yes, wheels do roll on their own once detached. :) Parts also scatter and stay on the gound too when a plane impacts. They do go away after a while to help with frame rate.


Glad you are having fun! Sorry I could not help more with the banding...

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