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Waypoint advance? And a few others-

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I finally got this in the mail (and my first TrackIR- what an awesome combo!). Having a fantastic time.


However, I just did a mission where I had to attack a train yard. I spent all my ammo, took a bit of flak on my wings, and started hobbling back to base. I was a fair distance away from my target, yet the game would not let me warp, saying I was "at checkpoint" or something similar. Is there a way to manually advance my waypoint, so I can warp?


Is there a way to manually adjust time acceleration?


Also, how do you tell your wingmen to engage a ground target?

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I'm not sure about the "checkpoint" issue, but you can manually advance and retard time by hitting ctrl-shift-E and crtl-shift-R. I just tell them to attack (A) and they find something to do. I think it is shift-W to advance to the next waypoint (I remapped mine to just W, since I don't need WEP, so I'm not sure). But you have to be the flight leader to do this.


It's a blast, isn't it?! And TrackIR.....amazing!

Edited by griphos

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Good questions. My understanding is that if you are not the flight leader, you are unable to use the "next waypoint" command (SHIFT-W).


Griphos is right about the time acceleration/deceleration commands. They come in handy when you're trying to limp home and can't use warp.


Yes, "A" is the attack command but I don't think there's a way to specify a target. Just turn them loose and hope for the best.


Welcome to the wonderful world of TrackIR. You'll never go back to being without it. :rolleyes:

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The commands you're looking for are standard CFS3 commands and are:


<Shift>+<w> for waypoint advance

<ctrl>+<shift>+<e>: for time acceleration

<ctrl>+<shift>+<r>: to slow it down


To command the attack, you have to be flight leader. Cycle through the targets in the radar (Heaven forbid you keep this on!!!) Then once the target is selected, press 'A'. If the proper target is not selected, they'll most likely attack whatever is.



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Thanks for the responses!


If I am not the flight leader, will the flight leader automatically change my waypoint for me, once he's satisfied that we'd done all we could to a target?

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Cycle through the targets in the radar (Heaven forbid you keep this on!!!)


Could you explain this, please? I think at some point I must have turned off this capability and would like to know how to get it back. Come to think of it, I haven't seen a "targeting cone" for months. What's the keyboard command to get it back so I can specify targets? Thanks.



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I press "shift-t" to bring up the tactical display on the upper left, then I press "t" to filter only air targets.


At that point, you can use "tab" to cycle forward through targets, and "shift-tab" to cycle backwards.

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Hey, Gim... ahh! - UncleAl !

Perhaps you should do that sticky with basic commands, tipps and tricks here again,

as you had done in the olde forum. There seem to be many newbies around.


PS: target cone is "I" or "shift+I" - whatever you want to use or change: press "escape" ingame,

then in the menue appearing on the right, choose "controls", and there they all are.

You shouldn't try to change them (that won't work), better choose "add assignment", and then press

the button you want to use. After that, you can delete the old assignment (but must not - you can have

keyboard keys and joystick buttons with the same assignment).


OOOPS! You have it already up there! Sorry, UncleAl - maybe I need glasses like yours soon, too...

Edited by Olham

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