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In the targets.INI there is a line, NumSquadrons=3. Which I take as, in a campaign the maximun number of squadrons I can have flying from that airfield is 3.


Is there any reason why I can't edit that line to 5? Or does it reference to another file and changing it will give me problems?


Thanks for your help


Snapper 21

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Simple answer would be:


ctd caused by the aircraftformations.dll (unedited ww2 maps have this problem)


the airfields are simply too small, at times, for the the amount of aircraft in a flight. You'll find them parked in the outfield, wandering around the country side, huddled around the nearest bar (or pub)


They work best as they are; trust me!!! I spent weeks fiddling with that, on the WW2 maps to try and understand what was causing the ctds with the aforementioned fault


You want to base more squadrons, use another airfield (1,4,5,6)



kevin stein

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Thanks for your reply Wrench, will not go down that route, will use another airfield.




Snapper 21

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