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Guest British_eh

My skills, or too many EA

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Guest British_eh

Anyone else having a bit of a time with enemy , and even friendly aircraft taking out your pilot? Lost 3 pilots, due to airborne crashes, one, after I shot down an EA, my wingman took me out. It would appear that it is pilot error and too many aircraft in the air>


What do you do, leave the pack so as to not run ( pun intended) into trouble?





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Cant say i have had that happen (the odd Kamikazi wingman crashing into me) but nothing noticeable

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Cant say i have had that happen (the odd Kamikazi wingman crashing into me) but nothing noticeable



Yeah, I've had my own squad not only run into me, but shoot "through" me (And INTO me) to get at an enemy. As far as the first item is concerned, it is WWI and you must be as aware of whats around you as far as your own squad, as that of the enemy. In the second case, as soonas I had to break off pursuit because my squad mate was hammering my plane AND the enemy in front of us. In my rage...(I regret to say this) I swung around on his little behind and let him have a good taste of my guns as a return of favour. He limped away smoking. Oddly enough after that, it never really occured again. Maybe he learned the error of his over ambitious ways!!?? :yes:




PS, they didnt write me up for it either.

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Tch! - ZoomZoom, how could you?

I noticed, that you should NEVER mark a plane for attack, order attack, and then attack the same plane.

Cause then they do things like that, overambitious perhaps.

Either give them another target (marked), and pick the next for yourself. Or keep them with you, without

ordering attack at all. I did that in a furball, and pressed "R" return every now and then. They followed without colliding.

When I got attacked, I pressed "H" help, and they helped.

May look egoistic that way, but do THEY need kills? Why shouldn't they rather protect me.

I'm the best killer of our bunch, so better I do it quick and effective (Lol!)

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85% of my deaths are due to collisions. The other day, I ordered my flight to attack ground emplacements on the front, my wingman above me decides to split-s right into me. A brief flash of red, some sickening crunching noises and it was all over. I decided to raise him from the dead, as it was outside of combat and a definite fluke, but then the next flight I was shot down by one ridiculous burst from a two seater. I was flying past him to come around behind and was in a dive, so the closure rate was like 270 mph, the Huns must be recruiting Annie Oakley now! Time for a new pilot!





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Yez, Rick, evvrybody knows, ze Dshermans are fantastic marksmen! Mmuahahahahaa!!!


I had collisions before the last patch. After patching, the wingies stayed away more.

But they aren't wizzards. When you turn into them, they can't react quick enough sometimes.

Situational awareness and overview is the key, I think.

Cause, when I happily turned with everyone in the furballs, it happened all the time. I just couldn't

check all directions - someone might be directly under your plane.


Pressing "return" every now and then seems to help - as if they can locate you better then.

I do that in dogfights even, when I haven't ordered them to attack. And then they stay behind me.

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