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Some aircraft emit purple exhaust that paints the terrain temporarily. Perhaps I am using the wrong settings? :dntknw:

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Also, some jets have square exhaust plumes, such as the RF-4, while other F-4's do not.

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Also, some jets have square exhaust plumes, such as the RF-4, while other F-4's do not.


Light settings in game may cause the "purple" smoke, and you're missing the TGA file for the RF-4's exhaust.

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Anyone else hearing a Hendrix song in their head?

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I used to hear that during my Hippie days along with Pink Floyds comfortably numb. :biggrin:

Edited by Atreides

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I used to have the purple haze problem in the game. A fresh install solved that, though. I think it's caused by either a missing .tga or running your game in 16-bit colour (as oppsed to 32).


And I now have the Purple Haze song in my head, too.

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Thanks guys the purple haze is now gone, readjusted to 32 bit color. About the missing tga file for the RF-4C, what should I do?


(also have the song stuck in my head)

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well, the natural response is to re-install it, but that might be a problem since the pack is, I believe, some 40 MB. You could also go into the RF-4C's data.ini file and change the ExhaustEmitterName to "DirtyExhaustEmitter". This will give your RF-4C the stock TW F-4 exhaust smoke. Remember to do it to both engines, too.

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well, the natural response is to re-install it, but that might be a problem since the pack is, I believe, some 40 MB. You could also go into the RF-4C's data.ini file and change the ExhaustEmitterName to "DirtyExhaustEmitter". This will give your RF-4C the stock TW F-4 exhaust smoke. Remember to do it to both engines, too.



When I checked the data.ini, I found the ExhaustEmitterName was already set as DirtyExhaustEmitter. However, I saw that the AfterburnerEmitterName was KFIRAfterburnerEmitter. I compared this with the MF F-4G and this did not include the word KFIR. I went to both engines and removed KFIR from the AfterburnerEmitter and the problem was solved! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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Was it the exhaust smoke or the afterburner flame that was appearing purple? The smoke is not supposed to be purple, but, depending on the afterburner, the flame might have some purple in it that is supposed to be there, as some afterburners (F-18 especially) actually do and are supposed to appear purple/pink.

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