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How many players can MP support?

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Oh how I remember the organized wars of the old RB3D days.. :biggrin: How many players in multiplayer? Any organized wars for OFF happening?



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It usually goes up to 16, (number of players allowed) in doffight and team dogfight


For whatever reason, ive seen it stick at 4 when i host a game.


not sure if same limit applies to mission games.


Not sure what you mean by "war", but dogfights and missions are played on a somewhat regular basis,,,no real schedule.


Didnt say where you are (time zone wise), but let me know when you want to try mp anything, and ill do my best to get on.


There is a tuturial in this forum, if you havnt done any mp take a look at it. Need new users to feedback what parts of it might be confusing.


Do the teamspeak part for sure,,,,so much easier when you can communicate.


and damn,,,i havnt seen "s!" in years!! '


I was always "this is my first text post",,,or whatever it said...

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off will support up to 16 payers is contorled by the setting in the mutli player tab, why i always sugesst that you set it as a t-1 connection even if your only running a dsl or cabel

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As an old RB3D MMP Jasta 23b member, I remember those days as well.


I think we could do the same with OFF, however, on a smaller scale. Possible 6 v 6, Centralize the map a little and do it by section.


Although limited, and certainly not up to the 50+ active flyers as RB3D was, the detail and immersion of OFF does very well with MMP. We would just have to re-write the rules a little.


We can make it work if we really want to... how do you think RB3D got to where it was. ;)



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