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individual painting

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When in campaign mode I want to choose an individual skin for my aircraft.


When I then start a mission every member of my flight uses my skin...


Can i change this? I want to be the only one in my flight who flighs with my skin, though i think in scares the french to see five MvRs. :biggrin:

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No you cant.

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Really? Well that sucks. I think it should be possible to fly with individual paintings, at least after becoming an ace.


I would really like to have a patch where this issue is fixed...

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I think in Red Baron 3d it was possible to choose an individual skin (if you were an ace) and a skin for the rest of the squadron (if you were commander). Why is this not possible in OFF?

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I think in Red Baron 3d it was possible to choose an individual skin (if you were an ace) and a skin for the rest of the squadron (if you were commander). Why is this not possible in OFF?


Because it (CFS3) was never designed that way

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Well, I think it should possible to be the only one in my flight who uses my skin. There are many aces in the game using individual skins.

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But you Will find many differences between OFF and RB3D


Of cause there are many differences. But I think that OFF should make use of those thinks that are good at RB3D.


It makes the game unrealistic if I am an ace but still unable to use an individual skin. Well, maybe one of the devs reads this...


Sorry if I make any mistakes. I'm no native english speaker.

Edited by julianm6

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I mean, yes..It would be very nice to have that facility...But you cannot have it, so that's about it.


A small price to pay, for this sim surely?

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I love these threads..........J may not know the agonies endured to get OFF where it is now....probably has no idea of the hard-coded issues that can't be "fixed", "patched", or "worked around". But he's here, asking questions, like all of us into this stuff, and that's worth a welcome. Soooo..........welcome Julianm6..stick around..........lot's of good people here and a lot of great help too......but UKWidowmaker is right "you cannot have it, so that's about it". And it's totally worth it!!!!

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Hi, Julian

Your desire is surely noticed now, as the developers really care for their airmen.

And, yes, it would be great - I think so too.

But they may not have been able to do that, because the game is based on the

"engine" (or how that's called) of Combat Flight Simulator 3.


But I'm sure: if it CAN be changed without too much trouble, they'll do it in some future.


Apart from that: welcome to a great community. And I'm sure: when you have experienced the sim

a bit more, you'll love it.

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I mean, yes..It would be very nice to have that facility...But you cannot have it, so that's about it.


A small price to pay, for this sim surely?


Well that's right. It's just a little thing. We will see if the devs change it or not. But if they do or not, of course it's a great sim and i'm quite happy that there is a WWI flight sim after such a long time! :good:

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