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Adding specific tail numbers

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I want to add to the early F-101B the tail number 58-0300, but this appears to be a file that is not accessible. This number was for the only EF-101B, which was some sort of electronic warfare/radar target aircraft. It was one of the last, if not "the" last USAF Voodoo flying. The load screen for the early_F-101B shows this particular aircraft with a variation of the ADWC markings. I was able to transfer the ADWC markings from the F-101B to the early model with no problem, its just that none of the versions have this tail number. Is there a way to add to the .lod files and add this tail number. I know this is a pretty specific and or loaded question. If it isn't easily done, not a problem. I am obsessed with the 101. All of the work on it has been such a great contribution to the game. Any information would be appreciated.

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You don't need to add it to the .lod file!

"Just" go into the skin folder, edit the "numbers.lst" (add the "58-0300" at the end), find out which decal represents the tail number (look at the tgas in the subfolder "D") and create a new one (there is a "how to make a decal" tutorial by Wrench somewhere in this board). Name it after the existing tail numbers, just with the sequentially next numbert (for example: the last tail number is tnum012.tga, so your's will be tnum013.tga). That should work...

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Thanks for the advice! I couldn't find the decal tutorial that was mentioned. I am a computer retard, and have a rough time navigating this site. A nudge in the right direction might help.

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