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Pulling Your Bus Into the Shed

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Morning All,


As was mentioned in a previous thread, I noted that you can roll your plane into the hanger after the day's missions are done, (if you feel so inclined). And, since visual aids always make new procedures easier to understand, you can click on the following link for a short training film on the subject:


How To Pull Your Bus Into the Shed


There will be a short question-and-answer perioid after the showing.





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Very nice Lou! :clapping:


I've wondered if you could do that. Haven't tried it yet. I'll have to give that a go. Now, I suppose there is no way to get back out of the hangar once you're in there huh?


One strange thing that happened to me. I landed after a mission and was trying to pull my plane around where several others were parked so I could line mine up with theirs. I got a little cock-eyed and couldn't quite turn around good and was just sitting there. I went to external view to see what I needed to do and saw this truck driving up. I thought "cool, maybe he's going to refuel me or something" so I decided to watch what he did. He drove right into me and blew me up! Next thing I know, I was staring at that screen that informed me that my pilot had died!


So watch out for those kamikaze ground vehicles! :crazy:

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Excellent..a very good tuitorial film...fun to watch as well.


It would be nice to start a mission in the hanger, and taxi out to the field and take off (but even if that were possible, I suspect you would end up with a few dead wingmen!)

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Yes, they must put the real burn-outs on truck duty. I've had several close calls with those guys. My favorite is the guy that seems to patrol the edge of the landing strip waiting for you to turn on final so he can run out underneath you!


I've gone in the hanger a few times for fun. Of course, you don't have to get out. The next mission starts you on the field lined up ready to go as usual.

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Would perhaps be a good idea for scrambles - hide in the shed first, and then roll out for attack,

when the enemy is short of ammo.

Nice text layout work and music - funny to watch, Lou!

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uncleal wrote:

It would be considered 'Bad Form' to continue pushing fuel to a red hot 'not running engine' you placed into the hanger yourself


Which is why I choke the fuel, (i.e. shut it off), BEFORE switching off the mags. I am uncomfortably familiar with the end results of dropping off the mags whilst leaving the fuel petcock open. Flamerinoe Boys! :biggrin:


Also, I do have a hot switch programmed on my JS to kill the engine via fuel shut-off, ("hot switch" meant to be a pun).


BTW, glad you folks like the film.





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I hit the cutoff switch just before touchdown.... Timed correctly, a beautiful flared landing ensues, with minimum roll or bounce.


Get it wrong...and it's a big splat!!!

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Excellent idea ( if somewhat sneaky ), but How can we turn the bird around in the hanger. What we need is a hanger with a back door.


I vote for a 'Call my Groundcrew' button and the implementation of a piece of code which turns the plane 180 degrees, but only if it's on the deck.


Edit: AND stationary!

Edited by Dej

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Good idea, Dej (Winder will be winding in his sleep again - lol!)


Woohoo!!! Widow - first the Stranglers, and now this! - RFC metal rocker (funny mix! Lol!)

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