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@Aleks or one of the Mirage 2000-5 maker

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I make a French skin for your Mirage 2000-5 and i would like to place a decal just here :




Can you tell me what is the meshname of this part ?





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Uh......maybe Whole VertTail call 'VertTail'......I found it in *.out file.I am not sure because the max flie were lost . :dntknw:

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Thanks a lot for your answer, I'm going to try that.



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look, buddy, i often call these parts Vtail or VertTail.i admit, this is real nice work!!!i look forward to see a greek mirage 2000-5 as well!!!plenty of photos on www.haf.gr, if u are interested

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look, buddy, i often call these parts Vtail or VertTail.i admit, this is real nice work!!!i look forward to see a greek mirage 2000-5 as well!!!plenty of photos on www.haf.gr, if u are interested


I like the skin, I like alek's mirage!

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look, buddy, i often call these parts Vtail or VertTail.i admit, this is real nice work!!!i look forward to see a greek mirage 2000-5 as well!!!plenty of photos on www.haf.gr, if u are interested


I try VertTail and it's perfect, thanks a lot.


I've got another problem, there is a kind of "mirror effect" with the serial number, only on the left side :




For the Greek skin, why not, I made my own templates for the Mirage 2000-5 so I will try after the French one.



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